LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/test - test_pivx.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 31 31 100.0 %
Date: 2025-02-23 09:33:43 Functions: 3 3 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Copyright (c) 2015-2022 The PIVX Core developers
       2             : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
       3             : // file COPYING or
       4             : 
       5             : #ifndef PIVX_TEST_TEST_PIVX_H
       6             : #define PIVX_TEST_TEST_PIVX_H
       7             : 
       8             : #include "fs.h"
       9             : #include "scheduler.h"
      10             : #include "txdb.h"
      11             : 
      12             : #include <stdexcept>
      13             : 
      14             : #include <boost/thread.hpp>
      15             : 
      16             : extern FastRandomContext g_insecure_rand_ctx;
      17             : 
      18             : /**
      19             :  * Flag to make GetRand in random.h return the same number
      20             :  */
      21             : extern bool g_mock_deterministic_tests;
      22             : 
      23             : enum class SeedRand {
      24             :     ZEROS, //!< Seed with a compile time constant of zeros
      25             :     SEED,  //!< Call the Seed() helper
      26             : };
      27             : 
      28             : /** Seed the given random ctx or use the seed passed in via an environment var */
      29             : void Seed(FastRandomContext& ctx);
      30             : 
      31         494 : static inline void SeedInsecureRand(SeedRand seed = SeedRand::SEED)
      32             : {
      33         494 :     if (seed == SeedRand::ZEROS) {
      34          15 :         g_insecure_rand_ctx = FastRandomContext(/* deterministic */ true);
      35             :     } else {
      36         479 :         Seed(g_insecure_rand_ctx);
      37             :     }
      38          15 : }
      39             : 
      40           2 : static inline uint16_t InsecureRand16() { return g_insecure_rand_ctx.rand16(); }
      41    16887910 : static inline uint32_t InsecureRand32() { return g_insecure_rand_ctx.rand32(); }
      42      271655 : static inline uint256 InsecureRand256() { return g_insecure_rand_ctx.rand256(); }
      43      479870 : static inline uint64_t InsecureRandBits(int bits) { return g_insecure_rand_ctx.randbits(bits); }
      44     6607148 : static inline uint64_t InsecureRandRange(uint64_t range) { return g_insecure_rand_ctx.randrange(range); }
      45      413582 : static inline bool InsecureRandBool() { return g_insecure_rand_ctx.randbool(); }
      46           9 : static inline std::vector<unsigned char> InsecureRandBytes(size_t len) { return g_insecure_rand_ctx.randbytes(len); }
      47             : 
      48             : /** Basic testing setup.
      49             :  * This just configures logging and chain parameters.
      50             :  */
      51             : struct BasicTestingSetup {
      52             :     ECCVerifyHandle globalVerifyHandle;
      53             : 
      54             :     explicit BasicTestingSetup(const std::string& chainName = CBaseChainParams::MAIN);
      55             :     ~BasicTestingSetup();
      56             : 
      57             :     fs::path SetDataDir(const std::string& name);
      58             : 
      59             : private:
      60             :     const fs::path m_path_root;
      61             : };
      62             : 
      63             : /** Testing setup that configures a complete environment.
      64             :  * Included are data directory, coins database, script check threads
      65             :  * and wallet (if enabled) setup.
      66             :  */
      67             : class CConnman;
      68             : class PeerLogicValidation;
      69             : class EvoNotificationInterface;
      70             : struct TestingSetup: public BasicTestingSetup
      71             : {
      72             :     boost::thread_group threadGroup;
      73             :     CConnman* connman;
      74             :     EvoNotificationInterface* pEvoNotificationInterface;
      75             :     CScheduler scheduler;
      76             :     std::unique_ptr<PeerLogicValidation> peerLogic;
      77             : 
      78             :     explicit TestingSetup(const std::string& chainName = CBaseChainParams::MAIN);
      79             :     ~TestingSetup();
      80             : };
      81             : 
      82           1 : struct TestnetSetup : public TestingSetup
      83             : {
      84           1 :     TestnetSetup() : TestingSetup(CBaseChainParams::TESTNET) {}
      85             : };
      86             : 
      87           3 : struct RegTestingSetup : public TestingSetup
      88             : {
      89           3 :     RegTestingSetup() : TestingSetup(CBaseChainParams::REGTEST) {}
      90             : };
      91             : 
      92             : // Helper to finalize a modified PoW block.
      93             : std::shared_ptr<CBlock> FinalizeBlock(std::shared_ptr<CBlock> pblock);
      94             : 
      95             : class CBlock;
      96             : struct CMutableTransaction;
      97             : class CScript;
      98             : 
      99             : // Test chain only available on regtest
     100             : struct TestChainSetup : public TestingSetup
     101             : {
     102             :     explicit TestChainSetup(int blockCount);
     103             :     ~TestChainSetup();
     104             : 
     105             :     // Create a new block with coinbase paying to scriptPubKey, and try to add it to the current chain.
     106             :     // Include given transactions, and, if fNoMempoolTx=true, remove transactions coming from the mempool.
     107             :     CBlock CreateAndProcessBlock(const std::vector<CMutableTransaction>& txns, const CScript& scriptPubKey, bool fNoMempoolTx = true);
     108             :     CBlock CreateAndProcessBlock(const std::vector<CMutableTransaction>& txns, const CKey& scriptKey);
     109             :     CBlock CreateBlock(const std::vector<CMutableTransaction>& txns,
     110             :                        const CScript& scriptPubKey,
     111             :                        bool fNoMempoolTx = true,
     112             :                        bool fTestBlockValidity = true,
     113             :                        bool fIncludeQfc = true,
     114             :                        CBlockIndex* customPrevBlock = nullptr);
     115             :     CBlock CreateBlock(const std::vector<CMutableTransaction>& txns, const CKey& scriptKey, bool fTestBlockValidity = true);
     116             : 
     117             :     std::vector<CTransaction> coinbaseTxns; // For convenience, coinbase transactions
     118             :     CKey coinbaseKey; // private/public key needed to spend coinbase transactions
     119             : };
     120             : 
     121             : // Testing fixture that pre-creates a 100-block REGTEST-mode blockchain
     122           7 : struct TestChain100Setup : public TestChainSetup
     123             : {
     124           7 :     TestChain100Setup() : TestChainSetup(100) {}
     125             : };
     126             : 
     127             : // Testing fixture that pre-creates a 400-block REGTEST-mode blockchain
     128             : // all 400 blocks are PoW. PoS starts at height 500
     129           2 : struct TestChain400Setup : public TestChainSetup
     130             : {
     131           2 :     TestChain400Setup() : TestChainSetup(400) {}
     132             : };
     133             : 
     134             : class CTxMemPoolEntry;
     135             : 
     136             : struct TestMemPoolEntryHelper
     137             : {
     138             :     // Default values
     139             :     CAmount nFee;
     140             :     int64_t nTime;
     141             :     unsigned int nHeight;
     142             :     bool spendsCoinbaseOrCoinstake;
     143             :     unsigned int sigOpCount;
     144             : 
     145           7 :     TestMemPoolEntryHelper() :
     146             :         nFee(0), nTime(0), nHeight(1),
     147           7 :         spendsCoinbaseOrCoinstake(false), sigOpCount(1) { }
     148             : 
     149             :     CTxMemPoolEntry FromTx(const CMutableTransaction& tx);
     150             :     CTxMemPoolEntry FromTx(const CTransaction& tx);
     151             : 
     152             :     // Change the default value
     153       19860 :     TestMemPoolEntryHelper &Fee(CAmount _fee) { nFee = _fee; return *this; }
     154       16605 :     TestMemPoolEntryHelper &Time(int64_t _time) { nTime = _time; return *this; }
     155       16601 :     TestMemPoolEntryHelper &Height(unsigned int _height) { nHeight = _height; return *this; }
     156        2230 :     TestMemPoolEntryHelper &SpendsCoinbaseOrCoinstake(bool _flag) { spendsCoinbaseOrCoinstake = _flag; return *this; }
     157        1001 :     TestMemPoolEntryHelper &SigOps(unsigned int _sigops) { sigOpCount = _sigops; return *this; }
     158             : };
     159             : 
     160             : // define an implicit conversion here so that uint256 may be used directly in BOOST_CHECK_*
     161             : std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const uint256& num);
     162             : 
     163             : /**
     164             :  * BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION predicates to check the specific validation error.
     165             :  * Use as
     166             :  * BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION(code that throws, exception type, HasReason("foo"));
     167             :  */
     168          25 : class HasReason
     169             : {
     170             : public:
     171          14 :     explicit HasReason(const std::string& reason) : m_reason(reason) {}
     172          14 :     bool operator()(const std::exception& e) const
     173             :     {
     174          14 :         return std::string(e.what()).find(m_reason) != std::string::npos;
     175             :     };
     176             : 
     177             : private:
     178             :     const std::string m_reason;
     179             : };
     180             : 
     181             : #endif // PIVX_TEST_TEST_PIVX_H

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14