LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/rpc - blockchain.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 584 825 70.8 %
Date: 2025-02-23 09:33:43 Functions: 46 54 85.2 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
       2             : // Copyright (c) 2009-2014 The Bitcoin developers
       3             : // Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The Dash developers
       4             : // Copyright (c) 2015-2022 The PIVX Core developers
       5             : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
       6             : // file COPYING or
       7             : 
       8             : #include "budget/budgetmanager.h"
       9             : #include "chainparams.h"
      10             : #include "checkpoints.h"
      11             : #include "clientversion.h"
      12             : #include "consensus/upgrades.h"
      13             : #include "core_io.h"
      14             : #include "hash.h"
      15             : #include "kernel.h"
      16             : #include "key_io.h"
      17             : #include "llmq/quorums_chainlocks.h"
      18             : #include "masternodeman.h"
      19             : #include "policy/feerate.h"
      20             : #include "policy/policy.h"
      21             : #include "rpc/server.h"
      22             : #include "script/descriptor.h"
      23             : #include "sync.h"
      24             : #include "txdb.h"
      25             : #include "util/system.h"
      26             : #include "utilmoneystr.h"
      27             : #include "utilstrencodings.h"
      28             : #include "validation.h"
      29             : #include "validationinterface.h"
      30             : #include "wallet/wallet.h"
      31             : #include "warnings.h"
      32             : 
      33             : #include <stdint.h>
      34             : #include <univalue.h>
      35             : #include <numeric>
      36             : #include <condition_variable>
      37             : 
      38             : #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp> // boost::thread::interrupt
      39             : 
      40             : 
      41           8 : struct CUpdatedBlock
      42             : {
      43             :     uint256 hash;
      44             :     int height;
      45             : };
      46             : static std::mutex cs_blockchange;
      47             : static std::condition_variable cond_blockchange;
      48             : static CUpdatedBlock latestblock;
      49             : 
      50             : extern void TxToJSON(CWallet* const pwallet, const CTransaction& tx, const CBlockIndex* tip, const CBlockIndex* blockindex, UniValue& entry);
      51             : 
      52        2223 : UniValue syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
      53             : {
      54        2223 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 0) {
      55           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
      56             :                 "syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue\n"
      57             :                 "\nWaits for the validation interface queue to catch up on everything that was there when we entered this function.\n"
      58             :                 "\nExamples:\n"
      59           0 :                 + HelpExampleCli("syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue","")
      60           0 :                 + HelpExampleRpc("syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue","")
      61           0 :         );
      62             :     }
      63        2223 :     SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue();
      64        2223 :     return NullUniValue;
      65             : }
      66             : 
      67         400 : double GetDifficulty(const CBlockIndex* blockindex)
      68             : {
      69             :     // Floating point number that is a multiple of the minimum difficulty,
      70             :     // minimum difficulty = 1.0.
      71         400 :     if (blockindex == nullptr) {
      72          19 :         const CBlockIndex* pChainTip = GetChainTip();
      73          19 :         if (!pChainTip)
      74             :             return 1.0;
      75             :         else
      76             :             blockindex = pChainTip;
      77             :     }
      78             : 
      79         400 :     int nShift = (blockindex->nBits >> 24) & 0xff;
      80             : 
      81         400 :     double dDiff =
      82         400 :         (double)0x0000ffff / (double)(blockindex->nBits & 0x00ffffff);
      83             : 
      84         400 :     while (nShift < 29) {
      85           0 :         dDiff *= 256.0;
      86           0 :         nShift++;
      87             :     }
      88        1600 :     while (nShift > 29) {
      89        1200 :         dDiff /= 256.0;
      90        1200 :         nShift--;
      91             :     }
      92             : 
      93             :     return dDiff;
      94             : }
      95             : 
      96          38 : static UniValue ValuePoolDesc(
      97             :         const Optional<CAmount> chainValue,
      98             :         const Optional<CAmount> valueDelta)
      99             : {
     100          38 :     UniValue rv(UniValue::VOBJ);
     101          76 :     rv.pushKV("chainValue",  ValueFromAmount(chainValue ? *chainValue : 0));
     102          76 :     rv.pushKV("valueDelta",  ValueFromAmount(valueDelta ? *valueDelta : 0));
     103          38 :     return rv;
     104             : }
     105             : 
     106        1247 : int ComputeNextBlockAndDepth(const CBlockIndex* tip, const CBlockIndex* blockindex, const CBlockIndex*& next)
     107             : {
     108        1247 :     next = tip->GetAncestor(blockindex->nHeight + 1);
     109        1247 :     if (next && next->pprev == blockindex) {
     110         986 :         return tip->nHeight - blockindex->nHeight + 1;
     111             :     }
     112         261 :     next = nullptr;
     113         261 :     return blockindex == tip ? 1 : -1;
     114             : }
     115             : 
     116           8 : UniValue blockheaderToJSON(const CBlockIndex* tip, const CBlockIndex* blockindex)
     117             : {
     118           8 :     UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
     119          16 :     result.pushKV("hash", blockindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex());
     120           8 :     const CBlockIndex* pnext;
     121           8 :     int confirmations = ComputeNextBlockAndDepth(tip, blockindex, pnext);
     122           8 :     result.pushKV("confirmations", confirmations);
     123           8 :     result.pushKV("height", blockindex->nHeight);
     124           8 :     result.pushKV("version", blockindex->nVersion);
     125          16 :     result.pushKV("merkleroot", blockindex->hashMerkleRoot.GetHex());
     126           8 :     result.pushKV("time", (int64_t)blockindex->nTime);
     127           8 :     result.pushKV("mediantime", (int64_t)blockindex->GetMedianTimePast());
     128           8 :     result.pushKV("nonce", (uint64_t)blockindex->nNonce);
     129          16 :     result.pushKV("bits", strprintf("%08x", blockindex->nBits));
     130           8 :     result.pushKV("difficulty", GetDifficulty(blockindex));
     131          16 :     result.pushKV("chainwork", blockindex->nChainWork.GetHex());
     132          16 :     result.pushKV("acc_checkpoint", blockindex->nAccumulatorCheckpoint.GetHex());
     133             :     // Sapling shield pool value
     134          16 :     result.pushKV("shield_pool_value", ValuePoolDesc(blockindex->nChainSaplingValue, blockindex->nSaplingValue));
     135           8 :     if (blockindex->pprev)
     136          24 :         result.pushKV("previousblockhash", blockindex->pprev->GetBlockHash().GetHex());
     137           8 :     if (pnext)
     138          18 :         result.pushKV("nextblockhash", pnext->GetBlockHash().GetHex());
     139           8 :     result.pushKV("chainlock", llmq::chainLocksHandler->HasChainLock(blockindex->nHeight, blockindex->GetBlockHash()));
     140           8 :     return result;
     141             : }
     142             : 
     143         373 : UniValue blockToJSON(const CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* tip, const CBlockIndex* blockindex, bool txDetails = false)
     144             : {
     145         373 :     UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
     146         746 :     result.pushKV("hash", block.GetHash().GetHex());
     147         373 :     const CBlockIndex* pnext;
     148         373 :     int confirmations = ComputeNextBlockAndDepth(tip, blockindex, pnext);
     149         373 :     result.pushKV("confirmations", confirmations);
     150         373 :     result.pushKV("size", (int)::GetSerializeSize(block, PROTOCOL_VERSION));
     151         373 :     result.pushKV("height", blockindex->nHeight);
     152         373 :     result.pushKV("version", block.nVersion);
     153         746 :     result.pushKV("merkleroot", block.hashMerkleRoot.GetHex());
     154         746 :     result.pushKV("acc_checkpoint", block.nAccumulatorCheckpoint.GetHex());
     155         746 :     result.pushKV("finalsaplingroot", block.hashFinalSaplingRoot.GetHex());
     156         373 :     UniValue txs(UniValue::VARR);
     157        5109 :     for (const auto& txIn : block.vtx) {
     158        4736 :         const CTransaction& tx = *txIn;
     159        4736 :         if (txDetails) {
     160          14 :             UniValue objTx(UniValue::VOBJ);
     161           7 :             TxToJSON(nullptr, tx, nullptr, nullptr, objTx);
     162           7 :             txs.push_back(objTx);
     163             :         } else
     164        9458 :             txs.push_back(tx.GetHash().GetHex());
     165             :     }
     166         373 :     result.pushKV("tx", txs);
     167         373 :     result.pushKV("time", block.GetBlockTime());
     168         373 :     result.pushKV("mediantime", (int64_t)blockindex->GetMedianTimePast());
     169         373 :     result.pushKV("nonce", (uint64_t)block.nNonce);
     170         746 :     result.pushKV("bits", strprintf("%08x", block.nBits));
     171         373 :     result.pushKV("difficulty", GetDifficulty(blockindex));
     172         746 :     result.pushKV("chainwork", blockindex->nChainWork.GetHex());
     173             : 
     174         373 :     if (blockindex->pprev)
     175        1110 :         result.pushKV("previousblockhash", blockindex->pprev->GetBlockHash().GetHex());
     176         373 :     if (pnext)
     177         714 :         result.pushKV("nextblockhash", pnext->GetBlockHash().GetHex());
     178             : 
     179             :     //////////
     180             :     ////////// Coin stake data ////////////////
     181             :     /////////
     182         373 :     if (block.IsProofOfStake()) {
     183          44 :         uint256 hashProofOfStakeRet{UINT256_ZERO};
     184          44 :         if (blockindex->pprev && !GetStakeKernelHash(hashProofOfStakeRet, block, blockindex->pprev))
     185           0 :             throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Cannot get proof of stake hash");
     186             : 
     187          44 :         std::string stakeModifier = (Params().GetConsensus().NetworkUpgradeActive(blockindex->nHeight, Consensus::UPGRADE_V3_4) ?
     188          43 :                                      blockindex->GetStakeModifierV2().GetHex() :
     189         131 :                                      strprintf("%016x", blockindex->GetStakeModifierV1()));
     190          44 :         result.pushKV("stakeModifier", stakeModifier);
     191         132 :         result.pushKV("hashProofOfStake", hashProofOfStakeRet.GetHex());
     192             :     }
     193         373 :     result.pushKV("chainlock", llmq::chainLocksHandler->HasChainLock(blockindex->nHeight, blockindex->GetBlockHash()));
     194             : 
     195         373 :     return result;
     196             : }
     197             : 
     198         889 : UniValue getblockcount(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     199             : {
     200         889 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
     201           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     202             :             "getblockcount\n"
     203             :             "\nReturns the number of blocks in the longest block chain.\n"
     204             : 
     205             :             "\nResult:\n"
     206             :             "n    (numeric) The current block count\n"
     207             : 
     208           0 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
     209           0 :             HelpExampleCli("getblockcount", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getblockcount", ""));
     210             : 
     211         889 :     LOCK(cs_main);
     212        1778 :     return chainActive.Height();
     213             : }
     214             : 
     215       10086 : UniValue getbestblockhash(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     216             : {
     217       10086 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
     218           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     219             :             "getbestblockhash\n"
     220             :             "\nReturns the hash of the best (tip) block in the longest block chain.\n"
     221             : 
     222             :             "\nResult\n"
     223             :             "\"hex\"      (string) the block hash hex encoded\n"
     224             : 
     225           0 :             "\nExamples\n" +
     226           0 :             HelpExampleCli("getbestblockhash", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getbestblockhash", ""));
     227             : 
     228       10086 :     LOCK(cs_main);
     229       40344 :     return chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash().GetHex();
     230             : }
     231             : 
     232           2 : UniValue getbestsaplinganchor(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     233             : {
     234           2 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
     235           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     236             :             "getbestsaplinganchor\n"
     237             :             "\nReturns the most recent SaplingMerkleTree root.\n"
     238             : 
     239             :             "\nResult\n"
     240             :             "\"hex\"      (string) the sapling anchor hex encoded\n"
     241             : 
     242           0 :             "\nExamples\n" +
     243           0 :             HelpExampleCli("getbestsaplinganchor", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getbestsaplinganchor", ""));
     244             : 
     245           4 :     return pcoinsTip->GetBestAnchor().ToString();
     246             : }
     247             : 
     248           0 : UniValue getbestchainlock(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     249             : {
     250           0 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
     251           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     252             :             "getbestchainlock\n"
     253             :             "\nReturns the block hash of the best chainlock. Throws an error if there is no known chainlock yet.\n"
     254             :             "\nResult:\n"
     255             :             "{\n"
     256             :             "  \"blockhash\" : \"hash\",      (string) The block hash hex encoded\n"
     257             :             "  \"height\" : n,              (numeric) The block height or index\n"
     258             :             "  \"known_block\" : true|false (boolean) True if the block is known by our node\n"
     259             :             "}\n"
     260           0 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
     261           0 :             HelpExampleCli("getbestchainlock", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getbestchainlock", ""));
     262           0 :     UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
     263           0 :     llmq::CChainLockSig clsig = llmq::chainLocksHandler->GetBestChainLock();
     264           0 :     if (clsig.IsNull()) {
     265           0 :         throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Unable to find any chainlock");
     266             :     }
     267           0 :     result.pushKV("blockhash", clsig.blockHash.GetHex());
     268           0 :     result.pushKV("height", clsig.nHeight);
     269           0 :     LOCK(cs_main);
     270           0 :     result.pushKV("known_block", mapBlockIndex.count(clsig.blockHash) > 0);
     271           0 :     return result;
     272             : }
     273             : 
     274       39326 : void RPCNotifyBlockChange(bool fInitialDownload, const CBlockIndex* pindex)
     275             : {
     276       39326 :     if(pindex) {
     277       77902 :         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cs_blockchange);
     278       38951 :         latestblock.hash = pindex->GetBlockHash();
     279       38951 :         latestblock.height = pindex->nHeight;
     280             :     }
     281       39326 :     cond_blockchange.notify_all();
     282       39326 : }
     283             : 
     284           1 : UniValue waitfornewblock(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     285             : {
     286           1 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 1)
     287           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     288             :             "waitfornewblock ( timeout )\n"
     289             :             "\nWaits for a specific new block and returns useful info about it.\n"
     290             :             "\nReturns the current block on timeout or exit.\n"
     291             : 
     292             :             "\nArguments:\n"
     293             :             "1. timeout       (numeric, optional, default=0) Time in milliseconds to wait for a response. 0 indicates no timeout.\n"
     294             : 
     295             :             "\nResult:\n"
     296             :             "{                       (json object)\n"
     297             :             "  \"hash\": \"hash\",   (string) The blockhash\n"
     298             :             "  \"height\": n         (numeric) Block height\n"
     299             :             "}\n"
     300             : 
     301             :             "\nExamples:\n"
     302           0 :             + HelpExampleCli("waitfornewblock", "1000")
     303           0 :             + HelpExampleRpc("waitfornewblock", "1000")
     304           0 :         );
     305           1 :     int timeout = 0;
     306           1 :     if (request.params.size() > 0)
     307           0 :         timeout = request.params[0].get_int();
     308             : 
     309           1 :     CUpdatedBlock block;
     310           1 :     {
     311           1 :         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(cs_blockchange);
     312           1 :         block = latestblock;
     313           1 :         if(timeout)
     314           0 :             cond_blockchange.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout), [&block]{return latestblock.height != block.height || latestblock.hash != block.hash || !IsRPCRunning(); });
     315             :         else
     316           4 :             cond_blockchange.wait(lock, [&block]{return latestblock.height != block.height || latestblock.hash != block.hash || !IsRPCRunning(); });
     317           1 :         block = latestblock;
     318             :     }
     319           1 :     UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
     320           2 :     ret.pushKV("hash", block.hash.GetHex());
     321           1 :     ret.pushKV("height", block.height);
     322           1 :     return ret;
     323             : }
     324             : 
     325           3 : UniValue waitforblock(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     326             : {
     327           3 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2)
     328           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     329             :             "waitforblock blockhash ( timeout )\n"
     330             :             "\nWaits for a specific new block and returns useful info about it.\n"
     331             :             "\nReturns the current block on timeout or exit.\n"
     332             : 
     333             :             "\nArguments:\n"
     334             :             "1. \"blockhash\"    (string, required) Block hash to wait for.\n"
     335             :             "2. timeout          (numeric, optional, default=0) Time in milliseconds to wait for a response. 0 indicates no timeout.\n"
     336             : 
     337             :             "\nResult:\n"
     338             :             "{                       (json object)\n"
     339             :             "  \"hash\": \"hash\",   (string) The blockhash\n"
     340             :             "  \"height\": n         (numeric) Block height\n"
     341             :             "}\n"
     342             : 
     343             :             "\nExamples:\n"
     344           0 :             + HelpExampleCli("waitforblock", "\"0000000000079f8ef3d2c688c244eb7a4570b24c9ed7b4a8c619eb02596f8862\", 1000")
     345           0 :             + HelpExampleRpc("waitforblock", "\"0000000000079f8ef3d2c688c244eb7a4570b24c9ed7b4a8c619eb02596f8862\", 1000")
     346           0 :         );
     347           3 :     int timeout = 0;
     348             : 
     349           3 :     uint256 hash(ParseHashV(request.params[0], "blockhash"));
     350             : 
     351           3 :     if (request.params.size() > 1)
     352           0 :         timeout = request.params[1].get_int();
     353             : 
     354           3 :     CUpdatedBlock block;
     355           3 :     {
     356           3 :         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(cs_blockchange);
     357           3 :         if(timeout)
     358           0 :             cond_blockchange.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout), [&hash]{return latestblock.hash == hash || !IsRPCRunning();});
     359             :         else
     360           9 :             cond_blockchange.wait(lock, [&hash]{return latestblock.hash == hash || !IsRPCRunning(); });
     361           3 :         block = latestblock;
     362             :     }
     363             : 
     364           3 :     UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
     365           6 :     ret.pushKV("hash", block.hash.GetHex());
     366           3 :     ret.pushKV("height", block.height);
     367           3 :     return ret;
     368             : }
     369             : 
     370           0 : UniValue waitforblockheight(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     371             : {
     372           0 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2)
     373           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     374             :             "waitforblockheight height ( timeout )\n"
     375             :             "\nWaits for (at least) block height and returns the height and hash\n"
     376             :             "of the current tip.\n"
     377             :             "\nReturns the current block on timeout or exit.\n"
     378             : 
     379             :             "\nArguments:\n"
     380             :             "1. height           (numeric, required) Block height to wait for\n"
     381             :             "2. timeout          (numeric, optional, default=0) Time in milliseconds to wait for a response. 0 indicates no timeout.\n"
     382             : 
     383             :             "\nResult:\n"
     384             :             "{                       (json object)\n"
     385             :             "  \"hash\": \"hash\",   (string) The blockhash\n"
     386             :             "  \"height\": n         (int) Block height\n"
     387             :             "}\n"
     388             : 
     389             :             "\nExamples:\n"
     390           0 :             + HelpExampleCli("waitforblockheight", "\"100\", 1000")
     391           0 :             + HelpExampleRpc("waitforblockheight", "\"100\", 1000")
     392           0 :         );
     393           0 :     int timeout = 0;
     394             : 
     395           0 :     int height = request.params[0].get_int();
     396             : 
     397           0 :     if (request.params.size() > 1)
     398           0 :         timeout = request.params[1].get_int();
     399             : 
     400           0 :     CUpdatedBlock block;
     401           0 :     {
     402           0 :         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(cs_blockchange);
     403           0 :         if(timeout)
     404           0 :             cond_blockchange.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout), [&height]{return latestblock.height >= height || !IsRPCRunning();});
     405             :         else
     406           0 :             cond_blockchange.wait(lock, [&height]{return latestblock.height >= height || !IsRPCRunning(); });
     407           0 :         block = latestblock;
     408             :     }
     409           0 :     UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
     410           0 :     ret.pushKV("hash", block.hash.GetHex());
     411           0 :     ret.pushKV("height", block.height);
     412           0 :     return ret;
     413             : }
     414             : 
     415           0 : UniValue getdifficulty(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     416             : {
     417           0 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
     418           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     419             :             "getdifficulty\n"
     420             :             "\nReturns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.\n"
     421             : 
     422             :             "\nResult:\n"
     423             :             "n.nnn       (numeric) the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.\n"
     424             : 
     425           0 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
     426           0 :             HelpExampleCli("getdifficulty", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getdifficulty", ""));
     427             : 
     428           0 :     LOCK(cs_main);
     429           0 :     return GetDifficulty();
     430             : }
     431             : 
     432           0 : static std::string EntryDescriptionString()
     433             : {
     434           0 :     return "    \"size\" : n,             (numeric) transaction size in bytes\n"
     435           0 :            "    \"fee\" : n,              (numeric) transaction fee in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
     436             :            "    \"modifiedfee\" : n,      (numeric) transaction fee with fee deltas used for mining priority\n"
     437             :            "    \"time\" : n,             (numeric) local time transaction entered pool in seconds since 1 Jan 1970 GMT\n"
     438             :            "    \"height\" : n,           (numeric) block height when transaction entered pool\n"
     439             :            "    \"descendantcount\" : n,  (numeric) number of in-mempool descendant transactions (including this one)\n"
     440             :            "    \"descendantsize\" : n,   (numeric) size of in-mempool descendants (including this one)\n"
     441             :            "    \"descendantfees\" : n,   (numeric) modified fees (see above) of in-mempool descendants (including this one)\n"
     442             :            "    \"depends\" : [           (array) unconfirmed transactions used as inputs for this transaction\n"
     443             :            "        \"transactionid\",    (string) parent transaction id\n"
     444           0 :            "       ... ]\n";
     445             : }
     446             : 
     447         151 : static void entryToJSON(UniValue &info, const CTxMemPoolEntry &e)
     448             : {
     449         151 :     AssertLockHeld(mempool.cs);
     450             : 
     451         151 :     info.pushKV("size", (int)e.GetTxSize());
     452         302 :     info.pushKV("fee", ValueFromAmount(e.GetFee()));
     453         302 :     info.pushKV("modifiedfee", ValueFromAmount(e.GetModifiedFee()));
     454         151 :     info.pushKV("time", e.GetTime());
     455         151 :     info.pushKV("height", (int)e.GetHeight());
     456         151 :     info.pushKV("descendantcount", e.GetCountWithDescendants());
     457         151 :     info.pushKV("descendantsize", e.GetSizeWithDescendants());
     458         151 :     info.pushKV("descendantfees", e.GetModFeesWithDescendants());
     459         151 :     const CTransaction& tx = e.GetTx();
     460         151 :     std::set<std::string> setDepends;
     461         319 :     for (const CTxIn& txin : {
     462         168 :         if (mempool.exists(txin.prevout.hash))
     463         244 :             setDepends.insert(txin.prevout.hash.ToString());
     464             :     }
     465             : 
     466         302 :     UniValue depends(UniValue::VARR);
     467         273 :     for (const std::string& dep : setDepends) {
     468         122 :         depends.push_back(dep);
     469             :     }
     470             : 
     471         302 :     info.pushKV("depends", depends);
     472         151 : }
     473             : 
     474       11104 : UniValue mempoolToJSON(bool fVerbose = false)
     475             : {
     476       11104 :     if (fVerbose) {
     477          42 :         LOCK(mempool.cs);
     478          42 :         UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ);
     479         344 :         for (const CTxMemPoolEntry& e : mempool.mapTx) {
     480         151 :             const uint256& hash = e.GetTx().GetHash();
     481         151 :             UniValue info(UniValue::VOBJ);
     482         151 :             entryToJSON(info, e);
     483         302 :             o.pushKV(hash.ToString(), info);
     484             :         }
     485          21 :         return o;
     486             :     } else {
     487       22166 :         std::vector<uint256> vtxid;
     488       11083 :         mempool.queryHashes(vtxid);
     489             : 
     490       22166 :         UniValue a(UniValue::VARR);
     491     2568980 :         for (const uint256& hash : vtxid)
     492     5115800 :             a.push_back(hash.ToString());
     493             : 
     494       11083 :         return a;
     495             :     }
     496             : }
     497             : 
     498       11103 : UniValue getrawmempool(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     499             : {
     500       11103 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 1)
     501           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     502             :             "getrawmempool ( verbose )\n"
     503             :             "\nReturns all transaction ids in memory pool as a json array of string transaction ids.\n"
     504             : 
     505             :             "\nArguments:\n"
     506             :             "1. verbose           (boolean, optional, default=false) True for a json object, false for array of transaction ids\n"
     507             : 
     508             :             "\nResult: (for verbose = false):\n"
     509             :             "[                     (json array of string)\n"
     510             :             "  \"transactionid\"     (string) The transaction id\n"
     511             :             "  ,...\n"
     512             :             "]\n"
     513             : 
     514             :             "\nResult: (for verbose = true):\n"
     515             :             "{                           (json object)\n"
     516             :             "  \"transactionid\" : {       (json object)\n"
     517           0 :             + EntryDescriptionString()
     518           0 :             + "  }, ...\n"
     519             :             "}\n"
     520           0 :             "\nExamples\n" +
     521           0 :             HelpExampleCli("getrawmempool", "true") + HelpExampleRpc("getrawmempool", "true"));
     522             : 
     523       11103 :     LOCK(cs_main);
     524             : 
     525       11103 :     bool fVerbose = false;
     526       11103 :     if (request.params.size() > 0)
     527          20 :         fVerbose = request.params[0].get_bool();
     528             : 
     529       22206 :     return mempoolToJSON(fVerbose);
     530             : }
     531             : 
     532        2868 : UniValue getblockhash(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     533             : {
     534        2868 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1)
     535           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     536             :             "getblockhash height\n"
     537             :             "\nReturns hash of block in best-block-chain at height provided.\n"
     538             : 
     539             :             "\nArguments:\n"
     540             :             "1. height        (numeric, required) The height index\n"
     541             : 
     542             :             "\nResult:\n"
     543             :             "\"hash\"         (string) The block hash\n"
     544             : 
     545           0 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
     546           0 :             HelpExampleCli("getblockhash", "1000") + HelpExampleRpc("getblockhash", "1000"));
     547             : 
     548        2868 :     LOCK(cs_main);
     549             : 
     550        2868 :     int nHeight = request.params[0].get_int();
     551        2868 :     if (nHeight < 0 || nHeight > chainActive.Height())
     552           0 :         throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Block height out of range");
     553             : 
     554        2868 :     CBlockIndex* pblockindex = chainActive[nHeight];
     555        8604 :     return pblockindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex();
     556             : }
     557             : 
     558        3068 : UniValue getblock(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     559             : {
     560        3068 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2)
     561           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     562             :             "getblock \"blockhash\" ( verbosity )\n"
     563             :             "\nIf verbosity is 0, returns a string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for block 'hash'.\n"
     564             :             "If verbosity is 1, returns an Object with information about block <hash>.\n"
     565             :             "If verbosity is 2, returns an Object with information about block <hash> and information about each transaction.\n"
     566             : 
     567             :             "\nArguments:\n"
     568             :             "1. \"blockhash\"            (string, required) The block hash\n"
     569             :             "2. verbosity              (numeric, optional, default=1) 0 for hex encoded data, 1 for a json object, and 2 for json object with transaction data\n"
     570             : 
     571             :             "\nResult (for verbosity = 0):\n"
     572             :             "\"data\"             (string) A string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for block 'hash'.\n"
     573             : 
     574             :             "\nResult (for verbosity = 1):\n"
     575             :             "{\n"
     576             :             "  \"hash\" : \"hash\",     (string) the block hash (same as provided)\n"
     577             :             "  \"confirmations\" : n,   (numeric) The number of confirmations, or -1 if the block is not on the main chain\n"
     578             :             "  \"size\" : n,            (numeric) The block size\n"
     579             :             "  \"height\" : n,          (numeric) The block height or index\n"
     580             :             "  \"version\" : n,         (numeric) The block version\n"
     581             :             "  \"merkleroot\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The merkle root\n"
     582             :             "  \"finalsaplingroot\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The root of the Sapling commitment tree after applying this block\n"
     583             :             "  \"tx\" : [               (array of string) The transaction ids\n"
     584             :             "     \"transactionid\"     (string) The transaction id\n"
     585             :             "     ,...\n"
     586             :             "  ],\n"
     587             :             "  \"time\" : ttt,          (numeric) The block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n"
     588             :             "  \"mediantime\" : ttt,    (numeric) The median block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n"
     589             :             "  \"nonce\" : n,           (numeric) The nonce\n"
     590             :             "  \"bits\" : \"1d00ffff\", (string) The bits\n"
     591             :             "  \"difficulty\" :,  (numeric) The difficulty\n"
     592             :             "  \"previousblockhash\" : \"hash\",  (string) The hash of the previous block\n"
     593             :             "  \"nextblockhash\" : \"hash\"       (string) The hash of the next block\n"
     594             :             "  \"stakeModifier\" : \"xxx\",       (string) Proof of Stake modifier\n"
     595             :             "  \"hashProofOfStake\" : \"hash\",   (string) Proof of Stake hash\n"
     596             :             "  }\n"
     597             :             "}\n"
     598             : 
     599             :             "\nResult (for verbosity = 2):\n"
     600             :             "{\n"
     601             :             "  ...,                     Same output as verbosity = 1.\n"
     602             :             "  \"tx\" : [               (array of Objects) The transactions in the format of the getrawtransaction RPC. Different from verbosity = 1 \"tx\" result.\n"
     603             :             "         ,...\n"
     604             :             "  ],\n"
     605             :             "  ,...                     Same output as verbosity = 1.\n"
     606             :             "}\n"
     607             : 
     608           0 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
     609           0 :             HelpExampleCli("getblock", "\"00000000000fd08c2fb661d2fcb0d49abb3a91e5f27082ce64feed3b4dede2e2\"") +
     610           0 :             HelpExampleRpc("getblock", "\"00000000000fd08c2fb661d2fcb0d49abb3a91e5f27082ce64feed3b4dede2e2\""));
     611             : 
     612        6121 :     LOCK(cs_main);
     613             : 
     614        3068 :     uint256 hash(ParseHashV(request.params[0], "blockhash"));
     615             : 
     616        3068 :     int verbosity = 1;
     617        3068 :     if (!request.params[1].isNull()) {
     618        2769 :         if(request.params[1].isNum())
     619           3 :             verbosity = request.params[1].get_int();
     620             :         else
     621        2766 :             verbosity = request.params[1].get_bool() ? 1 : 0;
     622             :     }
     623             : 
     624        3068 :     CBlockIndex* pblockindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash);
     625        3068 :     if (pblockindex == nullptr)
     626          16 :         throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found");
     627             : 
     628        6120 :     CBlock block;
     629        3060 :     if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pblockindex))
     630          14 :         throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Can't read block from disk");
     631             : 
     632        3053 :     if (verbosity <= 0) {
     633        5366 :         CDataStream ssBlock(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
     634        2683 :         ssBlock << block;
     635        5366 :         std::string strHex = HexStr(ssBlock);
     636        2683 :         return strHex;
     637             :     }
     638             : 
     639         740 :     return blockToJSON(block, chainActive.Tip(), pblockindex, verbosity >= 2);
     640             : }
     641             : 
     642           3 : UniValue getblockheader(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     643             : {
     644           3 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2)
     645           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     646             :             "getblockheader \"blockhash\" ( verbose )\n"
     647             :             "\nIf verbose is false, returns a string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for block 'hash' header.\n"
     648             :             "If verbose is true, returns an Object with information about block <hash> header.\n"
     649             : 
     650             :             "\nArguments:\n"
     651             :             "1. \"blockhash\"     (string, required) The block hash\n"
     652             :             "2. verbose           (boolean, optional, default=true) True for a json object, false for the hex encoded data\n"
     653             : 
     654             :             "\nResult (for verbose = true):\n"
     655             :             "{\n"
     656             :             "  \"version\" : n,         (numeric) The block version\n"
     657             :             "  \"previousblockhash\" : \"hash\",  (string) The hash of the previous block\n"
     658             :             "  \"merkleroot\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The merkle root\n"
     659             :             "  \"time\" : ttt,          (numeric) The block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n"
     660             :             "  \"mediantime\" : ttt,    (numeric) The median block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n"
     661             :             "  \"nonce\" : n,           (numeric) The nonce\n"
     662             :             "  \"bits\" : \"1d00ffff\", (string) The bits\n"
     663             :             "  \"shield_pool_value\":   (object) Block shield pool value\n"
     664             :             "  {\n"
     665             :             "     \"chainValue\":        (numeric) Total value held by the Sapling circuit up to and including this block\n"
     666             :             "     \"valueDelta\":        (numeric) Change in value held by the Sapling circuit over this block\n"
     667             :             "  }\n"
     668             :             "}"
     669             :             "}\n"
     670             : 
     671             :             "\nResult (for verbose=false):\n"
     672             :             "\"data\"             (string) A string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for block 'hash' header.\n"
     673             : 
     674           0 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
     675           0 :             HelpExampleCli("getblockheader", "\"00000000000fd08c2fb661d2fcb0d49abb3a91e5f27082ce64feed3b4dede2e2\"") +
     676           0 :             HelpExampleRpc("getblockheader", "\"00000000000fd08c2fb661d2fcb0d49abb3a91e5f27082ce64feed3b4dede2e2\""));
     677             : 
     678             : 
     679           4 :     uint256 hash(ParseHashV(request.params[0], "blockhash"));
     680             : 
     681           2 :     bool fVerbose = true;
     682           2 :     if (request.params.size() > 1)
     683           0 :         fVerbose = request.params[1].get_bool();
     684             : 
     685           4 :     LOCK(cs_main);
     686             : 
     687           2 :     CBlockIndex* pblockindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash);
     688           2 :     if (pblockindex == nullptr)
     689           0 :         throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found");
     690             : 
     691           2 :     if (!fVerbose) {
     692           0 :         CDataStream ssBlock(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
     693           0 :         ssBlock << pblockindex->GetBlockHeader();
     694           0 :         std::string strHex = HexStr(ssBlock);
     695           0 :         return strHex;
     696             :     }
     697             : 
     698           4 :     return blockheaderToJSON(chainActive.Tip(), pblockindex);
     699             : }
     700             : 
     701          12 : UniValue getsupplyinfo(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     702             : {
     703          12 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 1)
     704           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     705             :             "getsupplyinfo ( force_update )\n"
     706             :             "\nIf force_update=false (default if no argument is given): return the last cached money supply"
     707             :             "\n(sum of spendable transaction outputs) and the height of the chain when it was last updated"
     708             :             "\n(it is updated periodically, whenever the chainstate is flushed)."
     709             :             "\n"
     710             :             "\nIf force_update=true: Flush the chainstate to disk and return the money supply updated to"
     711             :             "\nthe current chain height.\n"
     712             : 
     713             :             "\nArguments:\n"
     714             :             "1. force_update       (boolean, optional, default=false) flush chainstate to disk and update cache\n"
     715             : 
     716             :             "\nResult:\n"
     717             :             "{\n"
     718             :             "  \"updateheight\" : n,       (numeric) The chain height when the transparent supply was updated\n"
     719             :             "  \"transparentsupply\" : n   (numeric) The sum of all spendable transaction outputs at height updateheight\n"
     720             :             "  \"shieldsupply\": n         (numeric) Chain tip shield pool value\n"
     721             :             "  \"totalsupply\": n          (numeric) The sum of transparentsupply and shieldsupply\n"
     722             :             "}\n"
     723             : 
     724           0 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
     725           0 :             HelpExampleCli("getsupplyinfo", "") + HelpExampleCli("getsupplyinfo", "true") +
     726           0 :             HelpExampleRpc("getsupplyinfo", ""));
     727             : 
     728          12 :     const bool fForceUpdate = request.params.size() > 0 ? request.params[0].get_bool() : false;
     729             : 
     730           6 :     if (fForceUpdate) {
     731             :         // Flush state to disk (which updates the cached supply)
     732           6 :         FlushStateToDisk();
     733             :     }
     734             : 
     735          12 :     UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
     736          12 :     const CAmount tSupply = MoneySupply.Get();
     737          12 :     ret.pushKV("updateheight", MoneySupply.GetCacheHeight());
     738          24 :     ret.pushKV("transparentsupply", ValueFromAmount(tSupply));
     739          24 :     Optional<CAmount> shieldedPoolValue = WITH_LOCK(cs_main, return (chainActive.Tip() ? chainActive.Tip()->nChainSaplingValue : nullopt); );
     740          24 :     ret.pushKV("shieldsupply", ValuePoolDesc(shieldedPoolValue, nullopt)["chainValue"]);
     741          12 :     const CAmount totalSupply = tSupply + (shieldedPoolValue ? *shieldedPoolValue : 0);
     742          24 :     ret.pushKV("totalsupply", ValueFromAmount(totalSupply));
     743             : 
     744          12 :     return ret;
     745             : }
     746             : 
     747          49 : struct CCoinsStats
     748             : {
     749             :     int nHeight{0};
     750             :     uint256 hashBlock{UINT256_ZERO};
     751             :     uint64_t nTransactions{0};
     752             :     uint64_t nTransactionOutputs{0};
     753             :     uint256 hashSerialized{UINT256_ZERO};
     754             :     uint64_t nDiskSize{0};
     755             :     CAmount nTotalAmount{0};
     756             : };
     757             : 
     758     1488900 : static void ApplyStats(CCoinsStats &stats, CHashWriter& ss, const uint256& hash, const std::map<uint32_t, Coin>& outputs)
     759             : {
     760     1488900 :     assert(!outputs.empty());
     761     1488900 :     ss << hash;
     762     1488900 :     const Coin& coin = outputs.begin()->second;
     763     4453940 :     ss << VARINT(coin.nHeight * 4 + (coin.fCoinBase ? 2u : 0u) + (coin.fCoinStake ? 1u : 0u));
     764     1488900 :     stats.nTransactions++;
     765     4273780 :     for (const auto& output : outputs) {
     766     2784880 :         ss << VARINT(output.first + 1);
     767     2784880 :         ss << output.second.out.scriptPubKey;
     768     2784880 :         ss << VARINT_MODE(output.second.out.nValue, VarIntMode::NONNEGATIVE_SIGNED);
     769     2784880 :         stats.nTransactionOutputs++;
     770     2784880 :         stats.nTotalAmount += output.second.out.nValue;
     771             :     }
     772     1488900 :     ss << VARINT(0u);
     773     1488900 : }
     774             : 
     775             : //! Calculate statistics about the unspent transaction output set
     776          49 : static bool GetUTXOStats(CCoinsView *view, CCoinsStats &stats)
     777             : {
     778          98 :     std::unique_ptr<CCoinsViewCursor> pcursor(view->Cursor());
     779          49 :     assert(pcursor);
     780             : 
     781          49 :     CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
     782          49 :     stats.hashBlock = pcursor->GetBestBlock();
     783          49 :     {
     784          49 :         LOCK(cs_main);
     785          49 :         stats.nHeight = LookupBlockIndex(stats.hashBlock)->nHeight;
     786             :     }
     787          49 :     ss << stats.hashBlock;
     788          49 :     uint256 prevkey;
     789          98 :     std::map<uint32_t, Coin> outputs;
     790     2784930 :     while (pcursor->Valid()) {
     791     2784880 :         boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
     792     2784880 :         COutPoint key;
     793     5569770 :         Coin coin;
     794     2784880 :         if (pcursor->GetKey(key) && pcursor->GetValue(coin)) {
     795     2784880 :             if (!outputs.empty() && key.hash != prevkey) {
     796     1488850 :                 ApplyStats(stats, ss, prevkey, outputs);
     797     1488850 :                 outputs.clear();
     798             :             }
     799     2784880 :             prevkey = key.hash;
     800     2784880 :             outputs[key.n] = std::move(coin);
     801             :         } else {
     802           0 :             return error("%s: unable to read value", __func__);
     803             :         }
     804     2784880 :         pcursor->Next();
     805             :     }
     806          49 :     if (!outputs.empty()) {
     807          49 :         ApplyStats(stats, ss, prevkey, outputs);
     808             :     }
     809          49 :     stats.hashSerialized = ss.GetHash();
     810          49 :     stats.nDiskSize = view->EstimateSize();
     811          49 :     return true;
     812             : }
     813             : 
     814          49 : UniValue gettxoutsetinfo(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     815             : {
     816          49 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
     817           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     818             :             "gettxoutsetinfo\n"
     819             :             "\nReturns statistics about the unspent transaction output set.\n"
     820             :             "Note this call may take some time.\n"
     821             : 
     822             :             "\nResult:\n"
     823             :             "{\n"
     824             :             "  \"height\":n,     (numeric) The current block height (index)\n"
     825             :             "  \"bestblock\": \"hex\",   (string) the best block hash hex\n"
     826             :             "  \"transactions\": n,      (numeric) The number of transactions\n"
     827             :             "  \"txouts\": n,            (numeric) The number of output transactions\n"
     828             :             "  \"hash_serialized_2\": \"hash\",   (string) The serialized hash\n"
     829             :             "  \"disk_size\": n,         (numeric) The estimated size of the chainstate on disk\n"
     830             :             "  \"total_amount\":          (numeric) The total amount\n"
     831             :             "}\n"
     832             : 
     833           0 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
     834           0 :             HelpExampleCli("gettxoutsetinfo", "") + HelpExampleRpc("gettxoutsetinfo", ""));
     835             : 
     836          49 :     UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
     837             : 
     838          49 :     CCoinsStats stats;
     839          49 :     FlushStateToDisk();
     840          49 :     if (GetUTXOStats(pcoinsTip.get(), stats)) {
     841          49 :         ret.pushKV("height", (int64_t)stats.nHeight);
     842          98 :         ret.pushKV("bestblock", stats.hashBlock.GetHex());
     843          49 :         ret.pushKV("transactions", (int64_t)stats.nTransactions);
     844          49 :         ret.pushKV("txouts", (int64_t)stats.nTransactionOutputs);
     845          98 :         ret.pushKV("hash_serialized_2", stats.hashSerialized.GetHex());
     846          98 :         ret.pushKV("total_amount", ValueFromAmount(stats.nTotalAmount));
     847          98 :         ret.pushKV("disk_size", stats.nDiskSize);
     848             :     }
     849          49 :     return ret;
     850             : }
     851             : 
     852           0 : UniValue gettxout(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     853             : {
     854           0 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 2 || request.params.size() > 3)
     855           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     856             :             "gettxout \"txid\" n ( include_mempool )\n"
     857             :             "\nReturns details about an unspent transaction output.\n"
     858             : 
     859             :             "\nArguments:\n"
     860             :             "1. \"txid\"       (string, required) The transaction id\n"
     861             :             "2. n              (numeric, required) vout value\n"
     862             :             "3. include_mempool  (boolean, optional) Whether to included the mem pool\n"
     863             : 
     864             :             "\nResult:\n"
     865             :             "{\n"
     866             :             "  \"bestblock\" : \"hash\",    (string) the block hash\n"
     867             :             "  \"confirmations\" : n,       (numeric) The number of confirmations\n"
     868             :             "  \"value\" :,           (numeric) The transaction value in PIV\n"
     869             :             "  \"scriptPubKey\" : {         (json object)\n"
     870             :             "     \"asm\" : \"code\",       (string) \n"
     871             :             "     \"hex\" : \"hex\",        (string) \n"
     872             :             "     \"reqSigs\" : n,          (numeric) Number of required signatures\n"
     873             :             "     \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg pubkeyhash\n"
     874             :             "     \"addresses\" : [          (array of string) array of pivx addresses\n"
     875             :             "     \"pivxaddress\"            (string) pivx address\n"
     876             :             "        ,...\n"
     877             :             "     ]\n"
     878             :             "  },\n"
     879             :             "  \"coinbase\" : true|false   (boolean) Coinbase or not\n"
     880             :             "}\n"
     881             : 
     882             :             "\nExamples:\n"
     883           0 :             "\nGet unspent transactions\n" +
     884           0 :             HelpExampleCli("listunspent", "") +
     885           0 :             "\nView the details\n" +
     886           0 :             HelpExampleCli("gettxout", "\"txid\" 1") +
     887           0 :             "\nAs a json rpc call\n" +
     888           0 :             HelpExampleRpc("gettxout", "\"txid\", 1"));
     889             : 
     890           0 :     LOCK(cs_main);
     891             : 
     892           0 :     UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
     893           0 :     uint256 hash(ParseHashV(request.params[0], "txid"));
     894           0 :     int n = request.params[1].get_int();
     895           0 :     COutPoint out(hash, n);
     896           0 :     bool fMempool = true;
     897           0 :     if (request.params.size() > 2)
     898           0 :         fMempool = request.params[2].get_bool();
     899             : 
     900           0 :     Coin coin;
     901           0 :     if (fMempool) {
     902           0 :         LOCK(mempool.cs);
     903           0 :         CCoinsViewMemPool view(pcoinsTip.get(), mempool);
     904           0 :         if (!view.GetCoin(out, coin) || mempool.isSpent(out)) {// TODO: filtering spent coins should be done by the CCoinsViewMemPool
     905           0 :             return NullUniValue;
     906             :         }
     907             :     } else {
     908           0 :         if (!pcoinsTip->GetCoin(out, coin)) {
     909           0 :             return NullUniValue;
     910             :         }
     911             :     }
     912             : 
     913           0 :     CBlockIndex* pindex = LookupBlockIndex(pcoinsTip->GetBestBlock());
     914           0 :     assert(pindex != nullptr);
     915           0 :     ret.pushKV("bestblock", pindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex());
     916           0 :     if (coin.nHeight == MEMPOOL_HEIGHT) {
     917           0 :         ret.pushKV("confirmations", 0);
     918             :     } else {
     919           0 :         ret.pushKV("confirmations", (int64_t)(pindex->nHeight - coin.nHeight + 1));
     920             :     }
     921           0 :     ret.pushKV("value", ValueFromAmount(coin.out.nValue));
     922           0 :     UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ);
     923           0 :     ScriptPubKeyToUniv(coin.out.scriptPubKey, o, true);
     924           0 :     ret.pushKV("scriptPubKey", o);
     925           0 :     ret.pushKV("coinbase", (bool)coin.fCoinBase);
     926             : 
     927           0 :     return ret;
     928             : }
     929             : 
     930           1 : UniValue verifychain(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
     931             : {
     932           1 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 1)
     933           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
     934             :             "verifychain ( nblocks )\n"
     935             :             "\nVerifies blockchain database.\n"
     936             : 
     937             :             "\nArguments:\n"
     938             :             "1. nblocks    (numeric, optional, default=288, 0=all) The number of blocks to check.\n"
     939             : 
     940             :             "\nResult:\n"
     941             :             "true|false       (boolean) Verified or not\n"
     942             : 
     943           0 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
     944           0 :             HelpExampleCli("verifychain", "") + HelpExampleRpc("verifychain", ""));
     945             : 
     946           1 :     LOCK(cs_main);
     947             : 
     948           1 :     int nCheckLevel = gArgs.GetArg("-checklevel", DEFAULT_CHECKLEVEL);
     949           1 :     int nCheckDepth = gArgs.GetArg("-checkblocks", DEFAULT_CHECKBLOCKS);
     950           1 :     if (request.params.size() > 0)
     951           1 :         nCheckDepth = request.params[0].get_int();
     952             : 
     953           2 :     return CVerifyDB().VerifyDB(pcoinsTip.get(), nCheckLevel, nCheckDepth);
     954             : }
     955             : 
     956             : /** Implementation of IsSuperMajority with better feedback */
     957          18 : static UniValue SoftForkMajorityDesc(int version, const CBlockIndex* pindex, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
     958             : {
     959          18 :     UniValue rv(UniValue::VOBJ);
     960          18 :     Consensus::UpgradeIndex idx;
     961          18 :     switch(version) {
     962             :     case 1:
     963             :     case 2:
     964             :     case 3:
     965             :         idx = Consensus::BASE_NETWORK;
     966             :         break;
     967           0 :     case 4:
     968           0 :         idx = Consensus::UPGRADE_ZC;
     969           0 :         break;
     970          18 :     case 5:
     971          18 :         idx = Consensus::UPGRADE_BIP65;
     972          18 :         break;
     973           0 :     case 6:
     974           0 :         idx = Consensus::UPGRADE_V3_4;
     975           0 :         break;
     976           0 :     case 7:
     977           0 :         idx = Consensus::UPGRADE_V4_0;
     978           0 :         break;
     979           0 :     default:
     980           0 :         rv.pushKV("status", false);
     981           0 :         return rv;
     982             :     }
     983          18 :     rv.pushKV("status", pindex && consensusParams.NetworkUpgradeActive(pindex->nHeight, idx));
     984          18 :     return rv;
     985             : }
     986             : 
     987          18 : static UniValue SoftForkDesc(const std::string &name, int version, const CBlockIndex* pindex)
     988             : {
     989          18 :     const Consensus::Params& consensus = Params().GetConsensus();
     990          18 :     UniValue rv(UniValue::VOBJ);
     991          18 :     rv.pushKV("id", name);
     992          18 :     rv.pushKV("version", version);
     993          36 :     rv.pushKV("reject", SoftForkMajorityDesc(version, pindex, consensus));
     994          18 :     return rv;
     995             : }
     996             : 
     997         234 : static UniValue NetworkUpgradeDesc(const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, Consensus::UpgradeIndex idx, int height)
     998             : {
     999         234 :     UniValue rv(UniValue::VOBJ);
    1000         234 :     auto upgrade = NetworkUpgradeInfo[idx];
    1001         234 :     rv.pushKV("activationheight", consensusParams.vUpgrades[idx].nActivationHeight);
    1002         234 :     switch (NetworkUpgradeState(height, consensusParams, idx)) {
    1003           0 :         case UPGRADE_DISABLED: rv.pushKV("status", "disabled"); break;
    1004         314 :         case UPGRADE_PENDING: rv.pushKV("status", "pending"); break;
    1005         154 :         case UPGRADE_ACTIVE: rv.pushKV("status", "active"); break;
    1006             :     }
    1007         234 :     rv.pushKV("info", upgrade.strInfo);
    1008         234 :     return rv;
    1009             : }
    1010             : 
    1011         270 : void NetworkUpgradeDescPushBack(
    1012             :         UniValue& networkUpgrades,
    1013             :         const Consensus::Params& consensusParams,
    1014             :         Consensus::UpgradeIndex idx,
    1015             :         int height)
    1016             : {
    1017             :     // Network upgrades with an activation height of NO_ACTIVATION_HEIGHT are
    1018             :     // hidden. This is used when network upgrade implementations are merged
    1019             :     // without specifying the activation height.
    1020         270 :     if (consensusParams.vUpgrades[idx].nActivationHeight != Consensus::NetworkUpgrade::NO_ACTIVATION_HEIGHT) {
    1021         468 :         std::string name = NetworkUpgradeInfo[idx].strName;
    1022         234 :         std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '_', ' '); // Beautify the name
    1023         234 :         networkUpgrades.pushKV(name, NetworkUpgradeDesc(consensusParams, idx, height));
    1024             :     }
    1025         270 : }
    1026             : 
    1027          19 : UniValue getblockchaininfo(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    1028             : {
    1029          19 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
    1030           1 :         throw std::runtime_error(
    1031             :             "getblockchaininfo\n"
    1032             :             "Returns an object containing various state info regarding block chain processing.\n"
    1033             : 
    1034             :             "\nResult:\n"
    1035             :             "{\n"
    1036             :             "  \"chain\": \"xxxx\",        (string) current network name (main, test, regtest)\n"
    1037             :             "  \"blocks\": xxxxxx,         (numeric) the current number of blocks processed in the server\n"
    1038             :             "  \"headers\": xxxxxx,        (numeric) the current number of headers we have validated\n"
    1039             :             "  \"bestblockhash\": \"...\", (string) the hash of the currently best block\n"
    1040             :             "  \"difficulty\": xxxxxx,     (numeric) the current difficulty\n"
    1041             :             "  \"verificationprogress\": xxxx, (numeric) estimate of verification progress [0..1]\n"
    1042             :             "  \"chainwork\": \"xxxx\"     (string) total amount of work in active chain, in hexadecimal\n"
    1043             :             "  \"shield_pool_value\": {  (object) Chain tip shield pool value\n"
    1044             :             "    \"chainValue\":        (numeric) Total value held by the Sapling circuit up to and including the chain tip\n"
    1045             :             "    \"valueDelta\":        (numeric) Change in value held by the Sapling circuit over the chain tip block\n"
    1046             :             "  },\n"
    1047             :             "  \"initial_block_downloading\": true|false, (boolean) whether the node is in initial block downloading state or not\n"
    1048             :             "  \"softforks\": [            (array) status of softforks in progress\n"
    1049             :             "     {\n"
    1050             :             "        \"id\": \"xxxx\",        (string) name of softfork\n"
    1051             :             "        \"version\": xx,         (numeric) block version\n"
    1052             :             "        \"reject\": {           (object) progress toward rejecting pre-softfork blocks\n"
    1053             :             "           \"status\": xx,       (boolean) true if threshold reached\n"
    1054             :             "        },\n"
    1055             :             "     }, ...\n"
    1056             :             "  ],\n"
    1057             :             "  \"upgrades\": {                (object) status of network upgrades\n"
    1058             :             "     \"name\" : {                (string) name of upgrade\n"
    1059             :             "        \"activationheight\": xxxxxx,  (numeric) block height of activation\n"
    1060             :             "        \"status\": \"xxxx\",      (string) status of upgrade\n"
    1061             :             "        \"info\": \"xxxx\",        (string) additional information about upgrade\n"
    1062             :             "     }, ...\n"
    1063             :             "}\n"
    1064             :             "  \"warnings\" : \"...\",         (string) any network and blockchain warnings.\n"
    1065             : 
    1066           2 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
    1067           7 :             HelpExampleCli("getblockchaininfo", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getblockchaininfo", ""));
    1068             : 
    1069          18 :     LOCK(cs_main);
    1070             : 
    1071          18 :     const Consensus::Params& consensusParams = Params().GetConsensus();
    1072          18 :     const CBlockIndex* pChainTip = chainActive.Tip();
    1073          18 :     int nTipHeight = pChainTip ? pChainTip->nHeight : -1;
    1074             : 
    1075          18 :     UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
    1076          54 :     obj.pushKV("chain", Params().NetworkIDString());
    1077          18 :     obj.pushKV("blocks", nTipHeight);
    1078          18 :     obj.pushKV("headers", pindexBestHeader ? pindexBestHeader->nHeight : -1);
    1079          36 :     obj.pushKV("bestblockhash", pChainTip ? pChainTip->GetBlockHash().GetHex() : "");
    1080          18 :     obj.pushKV("difficulty", (double)GetDifficulty());
    1081          18 :     obj.pushKV("verificationprogress", Checkpoints::GuessVerificationProgress(pChainTip));
    1082          36 :     obj.pushKV("chainwork", pChainTip ? pChainTip->nChainWork.GetHex() : "");
    1083             :     // Sapling shield pool value
    1084          36 :     obj.pushKV("shield_pool_value", pChainTip ? ValuePoolDesc(pChainTip->nChainSaplingValue, pChainTip->nSaplingValue) : 0);
    1085          18 :     obj.pushKV("initial_block_downloading", IsInitialBlockDownload());
    1086          36 :     UniValue softforks(UniValue::VARR);
    1087          18 :     softforks.push_back(SoftForkDesc("bip65", 5, pChainTip));
    1088          18 :     obj.pushKV("softforks",             softforks);
    1089          18 :     UniValue upgrades(UniValue::VOBJ);
    1090         288 :     for (int i = Consensus::BASE_NETWORK + 1; i < (int) Consensus::MAX_NETWORK_UPGRADES; i++) {
    1091         270 :         NetworkUpgradeDescPushBack(upgrades, consensusParams, Consensus::UpgradeIndex(i), nTipHeight);
    1092             :     }
    1093          18 :     obj.pushKV("upgrades", upgrades);
    1094          54 :     obj.pushKV("warnings", GetWarnings("statusbar"));
    1095          36 :     return obj;
    1096             : }
    1097             : 
    1098             : /** Comparison function for sorting the getchaintips heads.  */
    1099             : struct CompareBlocksByHeight {
    1100        7560 :     bool operator()(const CBlockIndex* a, const CBlockIndex* b) const
    1101             :     {
    1102             :         /* Make sure that unequal blocks with the same height do not compare
    1103             :            equal. Use the pointers themselves to make a distinction. */
    1104             : 
    1105        7560 :         if (a->nHeight != b->nHeight)
    1106        6756 :             return (a->nHeight > b->nHeight);
    1107             : 
    1108         804 :         return a < b;
    1109             :     }
    1110             : };
    1111             : 
    1112           2 : UniValue getchaintips(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    1113             : {
    1114           2 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
    1115           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
    1116             :             "getchaintips\n"
    1117             :             "Return information about all known tips in the block tree,"
    1118             :             " including the main chain as well as orphaned branches.\n"
    1119             : 
    1120             :             "\nResult:\n"
    1121             :             "[\n"
    1122             :             "  {\n"
    1123             :             "    \"height\": xxxx,         (numeric) height of the chain tip\n"
    1124             :             "    \"hash\": \"xxxx\",         (string) block hash of the tip\n"
    1125             :             "    \"branchlen\": 0          (numeric) zero for main chain\n"
    1126             :             "    \"status\": \"active\"      (string) \"active\" for the main chain\n"
    1127             :             "  },\n"
    1128             :             "  {\n"
    1129             :             "    \"height\": n,            (numeric) height of the chain tip\n"
    1130             :             "    \"hash\": \"hash\",       (string) block hash of the tip\n"
    1131             :             "    \"branchlen\": n,         (numeric) length of branch connecting the tip to the main chain\n"
    1132             :             "    \"status\": \"xxxx\"      (string) status of the chain (active, valid-fork, valid-headers, headers-only, invalid)\n"
    1133             :             "  }\n"
    1134             :             "  ,...\n"
    1135             :             "]\n"
    1136             : 
    1137             :             "Possible values for status:\n"
    1138             :             "1.  \"invalid\"               This branch contains at least one invalid block\n"
    1139             :             "2.  \"headers-only\"          Not all blocks for this branch are available, but the headers are valid\n"
    1140             :             "3.  \"valid-headers\"         All blocks are available for this branch, but they were never fully validated\n"
    1141             :             "4.  \"valid-fork\"            This branch is not part of the active chain, but is fully validated\n"
    1142             :             "5.  \"active\"                This is the tip of the active main chain, which is certainly valid\n"
    1143             : 
    1144           0 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
    1145           0 :             HelpExampleCli("getchaintips", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getchaintips", ""));
    1146             : 
    1147           2 :     LOCK(cs_main);
    1148             : 
    1149             :     /* Build up a list of chain tips.  We start with the list of all
    1150             :        known blocks, and successively remove blocks that appear as pprev
    1151             :        of another block.  */
    1152           4 :     std::set<const CBlockIndex*, CompareBlocksByHeight> setTips;
    1153         404 :     for (const std::pair<const uint256, CBlockIndex*> & item : mapBlockIndex)
    1154         402 :         setTips.insert(item.second);
    1155         404 :     for (const std::pair<const uint256, CBlockIndex*> & item : mapBlockIndex) {
    1156         402 :         const CBlockIndex* pprev = item.second->pprev;
    1157         402 :         if (pprev)
    1158         402 :             setTips.erase(pprev);
    1159             :     }
    1160             : 
    1161             :     // Always report the currently active tip.
    1162           4 :     setTips.insert(chainActive.Tip());
    1163             : 
    1164             :     /* Construct the output array.  */
    1165           2 :     UniValue res(UniValue::VARR);
    1166           4 :     for (const CBlockIndex* block : setTips) {
    1167           2 :         UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
    1168           2 :         obj.pushKV("height", block->nHeight);
    1169           4 :         obj.pushKV("hash", block->phashBlock->GetHex());
    1170             : 
    1171           2 :         const int branchLen = block->nHeight - chainActive.FindFork(block)->nHeight;
    1172           2 :         obj.pushKV("branchlen", branchLen);
    1173             : 
    1174           4 :         std::string status;
    1175           4 :         if (chainActive.Contains(block)) {
    1176             :             // This block is part of the currently active chain.
    1177           2 :             status = "active";
    1178           0 :         } else if (block->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK) {
    1179             :             // This block or one of its ancestors is invalid.
    1180           0 :             status = "invalid";
    1181           0 :         } else if (block->nChainTx == 0) {
    1182             :             // This block cannot be connected because full block data for it or one of its parents is missing.
    1183           0 :             status = "headers-only";
    1184           0 :         } else if (block->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS)) {
    1185             :             // This block is fully validated, but no longer part of the active chain. It was probably the active block once, but was reorganized.
    1186           0 :             status = "valid-fork";
    1187           0 :         } else if (block->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TREE)) {
    1188             :             // The headers for this block are valid, but it has not been validated. It was probably never part of the most-work chain.
    1189           0 :             status = "valid-headers";
    1190             :         } else {
    1191             :             // No clue.
    1192           0 :             status = "unknown";
    1193             :         }
    1194           2 :         obj.pushKV("status", status);
    1195             : 
    1196           2 :         res.push_back(obj);
    1197             :     }
    1198             : 
    1199           4 :     return res;
    1200             : }
    1201             : 
    1202         378 : UniValue mempoolInfoToJSON()
    1203             : {
    1204         378 :     UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
    1205         378 :     ret.pushKV("loaded", mempool.IsLoaded());
    1206         378 :     ret.pushKV("size", (int64_t) mempool.size());
    1207         378 :     ret.pushKV("bytes", (int64_t) mempool.GetTotalTxSize());
    1208         378 :     ret.pushKV("usage", (int64_t) mempool.DynamicMemoryUsage());
    1209         378 :     size_t maxmempool = gArgs.GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000;
    1210        1134 :     ret.pushKV("mempoolminfee", ValueFromAmount(std::max(mempool.GetMinFee(maxmempool), ::minRelayTxFee).GetFeePerK()));
    1211         756 :     ret.pushKV("minrelaytxfee", ValueFromAmount(::minRelayTxFee.GetFeePerK()));
    1212             : 
    1213         378 :     return ret;
    1214             : }
    1215             : 
    1216         377 : UniValue getmempoolinfo(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    1217             : {
    1218         377 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
    1219           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
    1220             :             "getmempoolinfo\n"
    1221             :             "\nReturns details on the active state of the TX memory pool.\n"
    1222             : 
    1223             :             "\nResult:\n"
    1224             :             "{\n"
    1225             :             "  \"loaded\": true|false         (boolean) True if the mempool is fully loaded\n"
    1226             :             "  \"size\": xxxxx                (numeric) Current tx count\n"
    1227             :             "  \"bytes\": xxxxx               (numeric) Sum of all tx sizes\n"
    1228             :             "  \"usage\": xxxxx               (numeric) Total memory usage for the mempool\n"
    1229             :             "  \"maxmempool\": xxxxx,         (numeric) Maximum memory usage for the mempool\n"
    1230           0 :             "  \"mempoolminfee\": xxxxx       (numeric) Minimum fee rate in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB for tx to be accepted. Is the maximum of minrelaytxfee and minimum mempool fee\n"
    1231             :             "  \"minrelaytxfee\": xxxxx       (numeric) Current minimum relay fee for transactions\n"
    1232             :             "}\n"
    1233             : 
    1234           0 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
    1235           0 :             HelpExampleCli("getmempoolinfo", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getmempoolinfo", ""));
    1236             : 
    1237         377 :     return mempoolInfoToJSON();
    1238             : }
    1239             : 
    1240          29 : UniValue invalidateblock(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    1241             : {
    1242          29 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1)
    1243           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
    1244             :             "invalidateblock \"blockhash\"\n"
    1245             :             "\nPermanently marks a block as invalid, as if it violated a consensus rule. Note: it might take up to some minutes and after calling it's recommended to run recover transactions. \n"
    1246             : 
    1247             :             "\nArguments:\n"
    1248             :             "1. blockhash   (string, required) the hash of the block to mark as invalid\n"
    1249             : 
    1250           0 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
    1251           0 :             HelpExampleCli("invalidateblock", "\"blockhash\"") + HelpExampleRpc("invalidateblock", "\"blockhash\""));
    1252             : 
    1253          29 :     uint256 hash(ParseHashV(request.params[0], "blockhash"));
    1254          58 :     CValidationState state;
    1255             : 
    1256          29 :     {
    1257          29 :         LOCK(cs_main);
    1258          29 :         if (mapBlockIndex.count(hash) == 0)
    1259           0 :             throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found");
    1260             : 
    1261          29 :         CBlockIndex* pblockindex = mapBlockIndex[hash];
    1262             :         // For each wallet in your wallet list
    1263          58 :         std::string errString = "";
    1264          58 :         for (auto* pwallet : vpwallets) {
    1265             :             //Do we need to recreate the witnesscache or is the current one enough?
    1266          29 :             if (pwallet->GetSaplingScriptPubKeyMan()->nWitnessCacheSize <= (chainActive.Height() - pblockindex->nHeight + 1)) {
    1267           5 :                 if (!pwallet->GetSaplingScriptPubKeyMan()->BuildWitnessChain(pblockindex, Params().GetConsensus(), errString)) {
    1268           0 :                     throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, errString);
    1269             :                 }
    1270             :             }
    1271             :         }
    1272          29 :         InvalidateBlock(state, Params(), pblockindex);
    1273             :     }
    1274             : 
    1275          29 :     if (state.IsValid()) {
    1276          29 :         ActivateBestChain(state);
    1277          58 :         int nHeight = WITH_LOCK(cs_main, return chainActive.Height(); );
    1278          29 :         g_budgetman.SetBestHeight(nHeight);
    1279          29 :         mnodeman.SetBestHeight(nHeight);
    1280             :     }
    1281             : 
    1282          29 :     if (!state.IsValid()) {
    1283           0 :         throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, state.GetRejectReason());
    1284             :     }
    1285             : 
    1286          58 :     return NullUniValue;
    1287             : }
    1288             : 
    1289          10 : UniValue reconsiderblock(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    1290             : {
    1291          10 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1)
    1292           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
    1293             :             "reconsiderblock \"blockhash\"\n"
    1294             :             "\nRemoves invalidity status of a block and its descendants, reconsider them for activation.\n"
    1295             :             "This can be used to undo the effects of invalidateblock.\n"
    1296             : 
    1297             :             "\nArguments:\n"
    1298             :             "1. blockhash   (string, required) the hash of the block to reconsider\n"
    1299             : 
    1300           0 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
    1301           0 :             HelpExampleCli("reconsiderblock", "\"blockhash\"") + HelpExampleRpc("reconsiderblock", "\"blockhash\""));
    1302             : 
    1303          10 :     uint256 hash(ParseHashV(request.params[0], "blockhash"));
    1304          20 :     CValidationState state;
    1305             : 
    1306          10 :     {
    1307          10 :         LOCK(cs_main);
    1308          10 :         if (mapBlockIndex.count(hash) == 0)
    1309           0 :             throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found");
    1310             : 
    1311          10 :         CBlockIndex* pblockindex = mapBlockIndex[hash];
    1312          10 :         ReconsiderBlock(state, pblockindex);
    1313             :     }
    1314             : 
    1315          10 :     if (state.IsValid()) {
    1316          10 :         ActivateBestChain(state);
    1317          20 :         int nHeight = WITH_LOCK(cs_main, return chainActive.Height(); );
    1318          10 :         g_budgetman.SetBestHeight(nHeight);
    1319          10 :         mnodeman.SetBestHeight(nHeight);
    1320             :     }
    1321             : 
    1322          10 :     if (!state.IsValid()) {
    1323           0 :         throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, state.GetRejectReason());
    1324             :     }
    1325             : 
    1326          20 :     return NullUniValue;
    1327             : }
    1328             : 
    1329           1 : void validaterange(const UniValue& params, int& heightStart, int& heightEnd, int minHeightStart = 1)
    1330             : {
    1331           1 :     if (params.size() < 2) {
    1332           0 :         throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Not enough parameters in validaterange");
    1333             :     }
    1334             : 
    1335           1 :     int nBestHeight;
    1336           1 :     {
    1337           1 :         LOCK(cs_main);
    1338           1 :         nBestHeight = chainActive.Height();
    1339             :     }
    1340             : 
    1341           1 :     heightStart = params[0].get_int();
    1342           1 :     if (heightStart > nBestHeight) {
    1343           0 :         throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("Invalid starting block (%d). Out of range.", heightStart));
    1344             :     }
    1345             : 
    1346           1 :     const int range = params[1].get_int();
    1347           1 :     if (range < 1) {
    1348           0 :         throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid block range. Must be strictly positive.");
    1349             :     }
    1350             : 
    1351           1 :     heightEnd = heightStart + range - 1;
    1352             : 
    1353           1 :     if (heightStart < minHeightStart && heightEnd >= minHeightStart) {
    1354           0 :         heightStart = minHeightStart;
    1355             :     }
    1356             : 
    1357           1 :     if (heightEnd > nBestHeight) {
    1358           0 :         throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("Invalid ending block (%d). Out of range.", heightEnd));
    1359             :     }
    1360           1 : }
    1361             : 
    1362           1 : UniValue getblockindexstats(const JSONRPCRequest& request) {
    1363           1 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 2)
    1364           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
    1365             :                 "getblockindexstats height range\n"
    1366             :                 "\nReturns aggregated BlockIndex data for blocks "
    1367             :                 "\n[height, height+1, height+2, ..., height+range-1]\n"
    1368             : 
    1369             :                 "\nArguments:\n"
    1370             :                 "1. height             (numeric, required) block height where the search starts.\n"
    1371             :                 "2. range              (numeric, required) number of blocks to include.\n"
    1372             : 
    1373             :                 "\nResult:\n"
    1374             :                 "{\n"
    1375             :                 "  \"first_block\": \"x\"            (integer) First counted block\n"
    1376             :                 "  \"last_block\": \"x\"             (integer) Last counted block\n"
    1377             :                 "  \"txcount\": xxxxx                (numeric) tx count (excluding coinbase/coinstake)\n"
    1378             :                 "  \"txcount_all\": xxxxx            (numeric) tx count (including coinbase/coinstake)\n"
    1379             :                 "  \"txbytes\": xxxxx                (numeric) Sum of the size of all txes over block range\n"
    1380             :                 "  \"ttlfee\": xxxxx                 (numeric) Sum of the fee amount of all txes over block range\n"
    1381             :                 "  \"feeperkb\": xxxxx               (numeric) Average fee per kb (excluding zc txes)\n"
    1382             :                 "}\n"
    1383             : 
    1384           0 :                 "\nExamples:\n" +
    1385           0 :                 HelpExampleCli("getblockindexstats", "1200000 1000") +
    1386           0 :                 HelpExampleRpc("getblockindexstats", "1200000, 1000"));
    1387             : 
    1388           1 :     int heightStart, heightEnd;
    1389           1 :     validaterange(request.params, heightStart, heightEnd);
    1390             :     // return object
    1391           1 :     UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
    1392           1 :     ret.pushKV("Starting block", heightStart);
    1393           1 :     ret.pushKV("Ending block", heightEnd);
    1394             : 
    1395           1 :     CAmount nFees = 0;
    1396           1 :     int64_t nBytes = 0;
    1397           1 :     int64_t nTxCount = 0;
    1398           1 :     int64_t nTxCount_all = 0;
    1399             : 
    1400           3 :     const CBlockIndex* pindex = WITH_LOCK(cs_main, return chainActive[heightEnd]);
    1401           1 :     if (!pindex)
    1402           0 :         throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid block height");
    1403             : 
    1404          31 :     while (pindex && pindex->nHeight >= heightStart) {
    1405          30 :         CBlock block;
    1406          30 :         if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindex)) {
    1407           0 :             throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, "failed to read block from disk");
    1408             :         }
    1409             : 
    1410          30 :         CAmount nValueIn = 0;
    1411          30 :         CAmount nValueOut = 0;
    1412          30 :         const int ntx = block.vtx.size();
    1413          30 :         const int firstTxIndex = block.IsProofOfStake() ? 2 : 1;
    1414          30 :         nTxCount_all += ntx;
    1415          30 :         nTxCount = nTxCount + ntx - firstTxIndex;
    1416             : 
    1417             :         // loop through each tx in block and save size and fee (except for coinbase/coinstake)
    1418          60 :         for (int idx = firstTxIndex; idx < ntx; idx++) {
    1419          30 :             const CTransaction& tx = *(block.vtx[idx]);
    1420             : 
    1421             :             // zerocoin txes have fixed fee, don't count them here.
    1422          30 :             if (tx.ContainsZerocoins())
    1423           0 :                 continue;
    1424             : 
    1425             :             // Transaction size
    1426          30 :             nBytes += GetSerializeSize(tx, CLIENT_VERSION);
    1427             : 
    1428             :             // Transparent inputs
    1429          79 :             for (unsigned int j = 0; j <; j++) {
    1430          49 :                 COutPoint prevout =[j].prevout;
    1431          49 :                 CTransactionRef txPrev;
    1432          49 :                 uint256 hashBlock;
    1433          49 :                 if(!GetTransaction(prevout.hash, txPrev, hashBlock, true))
    1434           0 :                     throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, "failed to read tx from disk");
    1435          49 :                 nValueIn += txPrev->vout[prevout.n].nValue;
    1436             :             }
    1437             :             // Shield inputs
    1438          30 :             nValueIn += tx.GetShieldedValueIn();
    1439             : 
    1440             :             // Transparent/Shield outputs
    1441          30 :             nValueOut += tx.GetValueOut();
    1442             : 
    1443             :             // update fee
    1444          30 :             nFees += nValueIn - nValueOut;
    1445             :         }
    1446          30 :         pindex = pindex->pprev;
    1447             :     }
    1448             : 
    1449             :     // get fee rate
    1450           1 :     CFeeRate nFeeRate = CFeeRate(nFees, nBytes);
    1451             : 
    1452             :     // return UniValue object
    1453           1 :     ret.pushKV("txcount", (int64_t)nTxCount);
    1454           1 :     ret.pushKV("txcount_all", (int64_t)nTxCount_all);
    1455           1 :     ret.pushKV("txbytes", (int64_t)nBytes);
    1456           2 :     ret.pushKV("ttlfee", FormatMoney(nFees));
    1457           2 :     ret.pushKV("feeperkb", FormatMoney(nFeeRate.GetFeePerK()));
    1458             : 
    1459           1 :     return ret;
    1460             : }
    1461             : 
    1462           0 : UniValue getfeeinfo(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    1463             : {
    1464           0 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1)
    1465           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
    1466             :             "getfeeinfo blocks\n"
    1467             :             "\nReturns details of transaction fees over the last n blocks.\n"
    1468             : 
    1469             :             "\nArguments:\n"
    1470             :             "1. blocks     (int, required) the number of blocks to get transaction data from\n"
    1471             : 
    1472             :             "\nResult:\n"
    1473             :             "{\n"
    1474             :             "  \"txcount\": xxxxx                (numeric) Current tx count\n"
    1475             :             "  \"txbytes\": xxxxx                (numeric) Sum of all tx sizes\n"
    1476             :             "  \"ttlfee\": xxxxx                 (numeric) Sum of all fees\n"
    1477             :             "  \"feeperkb\": xxxxx               (numeric) Average fee per kb over the block range\n"
    1478             :             "  \"rec_highpriorityfee_perkb\": xxxxx    (numeric) Recommended fee per kb to use for a high priority tx\n"
    1479             :             "}\n"
    1480             : 
    1481           0 :             "\nExamples:\n" +
    1482           0 :             HelpExampleCli("getfeeinfo", "5") + HelpExampleRpc("getfeeinfo", "5"));
    1483             : 
    1484           0 :     int nBlocks = request.params[0].get_int();
    1485           0 :     int nBestHeight;
    1486           0 :     {
    1487           0 :         LOCK(cs_main);
    1488           0 :         nBestHeight = chainActive.Height();
    1489             :     }
    1490           0 :     int nStartHeight = nBestHeight - nBlocks;
    1491           0 :     if (nBlocks < 0 || nStartHeight <= 0)
    1492           0 :         throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "invalid start height");
    1493             : 
    1494           0 :     JSONRPCRequest newRequest;
    1495           0 :     UniValue newParams(UniValue::VARR);
    1496           0 :     newParams.push_back(UniValue(nStartHeight));
    1497           0 :     newParams.push_back(UniValue(nBlocks));
    1498           0 :     newRequest.params = newParams;
    1499             : 
    1500           0 :     return getblockindexstats(newRequest);
    1501             : }
    1502             : 
    1503             : //! Search for a given set of pubkey scripts
    1504          29 : bool FindScriptPubKey(std::atomic<int>& scan_progress, const std::atomic<bool>& should_abort, int64_t& count, CCoinsViewCursor* cursor, const std::set<CScript>& needles, std::map<COutPoint, Coin>& out_results) {
    1505          29 :     scan_progress = 0;
    1506          29 :     count = 0;
    1507        6873 :     while (cursor->Valid()) {
    1508        6844 :         COutPoint key;
    1509       13688 :         Coin coin;
    1510        6844 :         if (!cursor->GetKey(key) || !cursor->GetValue(coin)) return false;
    1511        6844 :         if (++count % 8192 == 0) {
    1512           0 :             boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
    1513           0 :             if (should_abort) {
    1514             :                 // allow to abort the scan via the abort reference
    1515             :                 return false;
    1516             :             }
    1517             :         }
    1518        6844 :         if (count % 256 == 0) {
    1519             :             // update progress reference every 256 item
    1520           0 :             uint32_t high = 0x100 * *key.hash.begin() + *(key.hash.begin() + 1);
    1521           0 :             scan_progress = (int)(high * 100.0 / 65536.0 + 0.5);
    1522             :         }
    1523       13636 :         if (needles.count(coin.out.scriptPubKey)) {
    1524          52 :             out_results.emplace(key, coin);
    1525             :         }
    1526        6844 :         cursor->Next();
    1527             :     }
    1528          29 :     scan_progress = 100;
    1529          29 :     return true;
    1530             : }
    1531             : 
    1532             : /** RAII object to prevent concurrency issue when scanning the txout set */
    1533             : static std::mutex g_utxosetscan;
    1534             : static std::atomic<int> g_scan_progress;
    1535             : static std::atomic<bool> g_scan_in_progress;
    1536             : static std::atomic<bool> g_should_abort_scan;
    1537             : class CoinsViewScanReserver
    1538             : {
    1539             : private:
    1540             :     bool m_could_reserve;
    1541             : public:
    1542          29 :     explicit CoinsViewScanReserver() : m_could_reserve(false) {}
    1543             : 
    1544          29 :     bool reserve() {
    1545          29 :         assert (!m_could_reserve);
    1546          29 :         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_utxosetscan);
    1547          29 :         if (g_scan_in_progress) {
    1548             :             return false;
    1549             :         }
    1550          29 :         g_scan_in_progress = true;
    1551          29 :         m_could_reserve = true;
    1552          29 :         return true;
    1553             :     }
    1554             : 
    1555          58 :     ~CoinsViewScanReserver() {
    1556          29 :         if (m_could_reserve) {
    1557          58 :             std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_utxosetscan);
    1558          29 :             g_scan_in_progress = false;
    1559             :         }
    1560          29 :     }
    1561             : };
    1562             : 
    1563          29 : UniValue scantxoutset(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    1564             : {
    1565          29 :     if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2)
    1566           0 :         throw std::runtime_error(
    1567             :             "scantxoutset <action> ( <scanobjects> )\n"
    1568             :             "\nEXPERIMENTAL warning: this call may be removed or changed in future releases.\n"
    1569             :             "\nScans the unspent transaction output set for entries that match certain output descriptors.\n"
    1570             :             "Examples of output descriptors are:\n"
    1571             :             "    addr(<address>)                      Outputs whose scriptPubKey corresponds to the specified address (does not include P2PK)\n"
    1572             :             "    raw(<hex script>)                    Outputs whose scriptPubKey equals the specified hex scripts\n"
    1573             :             "    combo(<pubkey>)                      P2PK and P2PKH outputs for the given pubkey\n"
    1574             :             "    pkh(<pubkey>)                        P2PKH outputs for the given pubkey\n"
    1575             :             "    sh(multi(<n>,<pubkey>,<pubkey>,...)) P2SH-multisig outputs for the given threshold and pubkeys\n"
    1576             :             "\nIn the above, <pubkey> either refers to a fixed public key in hexadecimal notation, or to an DRKV/DRKP optionally followed by one\n"
    1577             :             "or more path elements separated by \"/\", and optionally ending in \"/*\" (unhardened), or \"/*'\" or \"/*h\" (hardened) to specify all\n"
    1578             :             "unhardened or hardened child keys.\n"
    1579             :             "In the latter case, a range needs to be specified by below if different from 1000.\n"
    1580             :             "For more information on output descriptors, see the documentation in the doc/ file.\n"
    1581             :             "\nArguments:\n"
    1582             :             "1. \"action\"                       (string, required) The action to execute\n"
    1583             :             "                                      \"start\" for starting a scan\n"
    1584             :             "                                      \"abort\" for aborting the current scan (returns true when abort was successful)\n"
    1585             :             "                                      \"status\" for progress report (in %) of the current scan\n"
    1586             :             "2. \"scanobjects\"                  (array, required) Array of scan objects\n"
    1587             :             "    [                             Every scan object is either a string descriptor or an object:\n"
    1588             :             "        \"descriptor\",             (string, optional) An output descriptor\n"
    1589             :             "        {                         (object, optional) An object with output descriptor and metadata\n"
    1590             :             "          \"desc\": \"descriptor\",   (string, required) An output descriptor\n"
    1591             :             "          \"range\": n,             (numeric, optional) Up to what child index HD chains should be explored (default: 1000)\n"
    1592             :             "        },\n"
    1593             :             "        ...\n"
    1594             :             "    ]\n"
    1595             :             "\nResult:\n"
    1596             :             "{\n"
    1597             :             "  \"unspents\": [\n"
    1598             :             "    {\n"
    1599             :             "    \"txid\" : \"transactionid\",     (string) The transaction id\n"
    1600             :             "    \"vout\": n,                    (numeric) the vout value\n"
    1601             :             "    \"scriptPubKey\" : \"script\",    (string) the script key\n"
    1602           0 :             "    \"amount\" :,             (numeric) The total amount in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " of the unspent output\n"
    1603             :             "    \"height\" : n,                 (numeric) Height of the unspent transaction output\n"
    1604             :             "   }\n"
    1605             :             "   ,...], \n"
    1606           0 :             " \"total_amount\" :,          (numeric) The total amount of all found unspent outputs in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
    1607             :             "]\n"
    1608           0 :         );
    1609             : 
    1610          29 :     RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {UniValue::VSTR, UniValue::VARR});
    1611             : 
    1612          58 :     UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
    1613          29 :     if (request.params[0].get_str() == "status") {
    1614           0 :         CoinsViewScanReserver reserver;
    1615           0 :         if (reserver.reserve()) {
    1616             :             // no scan in progress
    1617           0 :             return NullUniValue;
    1618             :         }
    1619           0 :         result.pushKV("progress", g_scan_progress);
    1620           0 :         return result;
    1621          29 :     } else if (request.params[0].get_str() == "abort") {
    1622           0 :         CoinsViewScanReserver reserver;
    1623           0 :         if (reserver.reserve()) {
    1624             :             // reserve was possible which means no scan was running
    1625           0 :             return false;
    1626             :         }
    1627             :         // set the abort flag
    1628           0 :         g_should_abort_scan = true;
    1629           0 :         return true;
    1630          29 :     } else if (request.params[0].get_str() == "start") {
    1631           0 :         CoinsViewScanReserver reserver;
    1632          29 :         if (!reserver.reserve()) {
    1633           0 :             throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Scan already in progress, use action \"abort\" or \"status\"");
    1634             :         }
    1635          58 :         std::set<CScript> needles;
    1636          29 :         CAmount total_in = 0;
    1637             : 
    1638             :         // loop through the scan objects
    1639          66 :         for (const UniValue& scanobject : request.params[1].get_array().getValues()) {
    1640          74 :             std::string desc_str;
    1641          37 :             int range = 1000;
    1642          37 :             if (scanobject.isStr()) {
    1643          27 :                 desc_str = scanobject.get_str();
    1644          10 :             } else if (scanobject.isObject()) {
    1645          20 :                 UniValue desc_uni = find_value(scanobject, "desc");
    1646          10 :                 if (desc_uni.isNull()) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Descriptor needs to be provided in scan object");
    1647          10 :                 desc_str = desc_uni.get_str();
    1648          20 :                 UniValue range_uni = find_value(scanobject, "range");
    1649          10 :                 if (!range_uni.isNull()) {
    1650          10 :                     range = range_uni.get_int();
    1651          10 :                     if (range < 0 || range > 1000000) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "range out of range");
    1652             :                 }
    1653             :             } else {
    1654           0 :                 throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Scan object needs to be either a string or an object");
    1655             :             }
    1656             : 
    1657          74 :             FlatSigningProvider provider;
    1658          74 :             auto desc = Parse(desc_str, provider);
    1659          37 :             if (!desc) {
    1660           0 :                 throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, strprintf("Invalid descriptor '%s'", desc_str));
    1661             :             }
    1662          37 :             if (!desc->IsRange()) range = 0;
    1663       15069 :             for (int i = 0; i <= range; ++i) {
    1664       15032 :                 std::vector<CScript> scripts;
    1665       15032 :                 if (!desc->Expand(i, provider, scripts, provider)) {
    1666           0 :                     throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, strprintf("Cannot derive script without private keys: '%s'", desc_str));
    1667             :                 }
    1668       15032 :                 needles.insert(scripts.begin(), scripts.end());
    1669             :             }
    1670             :         }
    1671             : 
    1672             :         // Scan the unspent transaction output set for inputs
    1673          58 :         UniValue unspents(UniValue::VARR);
    1674          29 :         std::vector<CTxOut> input_txos;
    1675          58 :         std::map<COutPoint, Coin> coins;
    1676          29 :         g_should_abort_scan = false;
    1677          29 :         g_scan_progress = 0;
    1678          29 :         int64_t count = 0;
    1679          29 :         std::unique_ptr<CCoinsViewCursor> pcursor;
    1680          29 :         {
    1681          29 :             LOCK(cs_main);
    1682          29 :             FlushStateToDisk();
    1683          29 :             pcursor = std::unique_ptr<CCoinsViewCursor>(pcoinsdbview->Cursor());
    1684          29 :             assert(pcursor);
    1685             :         }
    1686          29 :         bool res = FindScriptPubKey(g_scan_progress, g_should_abort_scan, count, pcursor.get(), needles, coins);
    1687          29 :         result.pushKV("success", res);
    1688          29 :         result.pushKV("searched_items", count);
    1689             : 
    1690          81 :         for (const auto& it : coins) {
    1691          52 :             const COutPoint& outpoint = it.first;
    1692          52 :             const Coin& coin = it.second;
    1693          52 :             const CTxOut& txo = coin.out;
    1694          52 :             input_txos.push_back(txo);
    1695          52 :             total_in += txo.nValue;
    1696             : 
    1697         104 :             UniValue unspent(UniValue::VOBJ);
    1698         104 :             unspent.pushKV("txid", outpoint.hash.GetHex());
    1699          52 :             unspent.pushKV("vout", (int32_t)outpoint.n);
    1700         156 :             unspent.pushKV("scriptPubKey", HexStr(txo.scriptPubKey));
    1701         104 :             unspent.pushKV("amount", ValueFromAmount(txo.nValue));
    1702          52 :             unspent.pushKV("height", (int32_t)coin.nHeight);
    1703             : 
    1704          52 :             unspents.push_back(unspent);
    1705             :         }
    1706          29 :         result.pushKV("unspents", unspents);
    1707          58 :         result.pushKV("total_amount", ValueFromAmount(total_in));
    1708             :     } else {
    1709           0 :         throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid command");
    1710             :     }
    1711          29 :     return result;
    1712             : }
    1713             : 
    1714             : // clang-format off
    1715             : static const CRPCCommand commands[] =
    1716             : { //  category              name                      actor (function)         okSafe argNames
    1717             :   //  --------------------- ------------------------  -----------------------  ------ --------
    1718             :     { "blockchain",         "getbestblockhash",       &getbestblockhash,       true,  {} },
    1719             :     { "blockchain",         "getbestsaplinganchor",   &getbestsaplinganchor,   true,  {} },
    1720             :     { "blockchain",         "getblock",               &getblock,               true,  {"blockhash","verbose|verbosity"} },
    1721             :     { "blockchain",         "getblockchaininfo",      &getblockchaininfo,      true,  {} },
    1722             :     { "blockchain",         "getbestchainlock",       &getbestchainlock,       true,  {} },
    1723             :     { "blockchain",         "getblockcount",          &getblockcount,          true,  {} },
    1724             :     { "blockchain",         "getblockhash",           &getblockhash,           true,  {"height"} },
    1725             :     { "blockchain",         "getblockheader",         &getblockheader,         false, {"blockhash","verbose"} },
    1726             :     { "blockchain",         "getblockindexstats",     &getblockindexstats,     true,  {"height","range"} },
    1727             :     { "blockchain",         "getchaintips",           &getchaintips,           true,  {} },
    1728             :     { "blockchain",         "getdifficulty",          &getdifficulty,          true,  {} },
    1729             :     { "blockchain",         "getfeeinfo",             &getfeeinfo,             true,  {"blocks"} },
    1730             :     { "blockchain",         "getmempoolinfo",         &getmempoolinfo,         true,  {} },
    1731             :     { "blockchain",         "getrawmempool",          &getrawmempool,          true,  {"verbose"} },
    1732             :     { "blockchain",         "getsupplyinfo",          &getsupplyinfo,          true,  {"force_update"} },
    1733             :     { "blockchain",         "gettxout",               &gettxout,               true,  {"txid","n","include_mempool"} },
    1734             :     { "blockchain",         "gettxoutsetinfo",        &gettxoutsetinfo,        true,  {} },
    1735             :     { "blockchain",         "scantxoutset",           &scantxoutset,           true,  {"action", "scanobjects"} },
    1736             :     { "blockchain",         "verifychain",            &verifychain,            true,  {"nblocks"} },
    1737             : 
    1738             :     /* Not shown in help */
    1739             :     { "hidden",             "invalidateblock",        &invalidateblock,        true,  {"blockhash"} },
    1740             :     { "hidden",             "reconsiderblock",        &reconsiderblock,        true,  {"blockhash"} },
    1741             :     { "hidden",             "waitforblock",           &waitforblock,           true,  {"blockhash","timeout"} },
    1742             :     { "hidden",             "waitforblockheight",     &waitforblockheight,     true,  {"height","timeout"} },
    1743             :     { "hidden",             "waitfornewblock",        &waitfornewblock,        true,  {"timeout"} },
    1744             :     { "hidden",             "syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue", &syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue, true,  {} },
    1745             : };
    1746             : // clang-format on
    1747             : 
    1748         494 : void RegisterBlockchainRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC)
    1749             : {
    1750       12844 :     for (unsigned int vcidx = 0; vcidx < ARRAYLEN(commands); vcidx++)
    1751       12350 :         tableRPC.appendCommand(commands[vcidx].name, &commands[vcidx]);
    1752         494 : }

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