LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/libzerocoin - bignum.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 33 39 84.6 %
Date: 2025-02-23 09:33:43 Functions: 7 10 70.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
       2             : // Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers
       3             : // Copyright (c) 2017-2021 The PIVX Core developers
       4             : // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
       5             : // file COPYING or
       6             : 
       7             : #ifndef PIVX_LIBZEROCOIN_BIGNUM_H
       8             : #define PIVX_LIBZEROCOIN_BIGNUM_H
       9             : 
      10             : #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
      11             : #include "config/pivx-config.h"
      12             : #endif
      13             : 
      14             : #include <gmp.h>
      15             : 
      16             : #include <stdexcept>
      17             : #include <vector>
      18             : #include <limits.h>
      19             : 
      20             : #include "arith_uint256.h"
      21             : #include "serialize.h"
      22             : #include "uint256.h"
      23             : #include "version.h"
      24             : #include "random.h"
      25             : 
      26             : /** Errors thrown by the bignum class */
      27             : class bignum_error : public std::runtime_error
      28             : {
      29             : public:
      30             :     explicit bignum_error(const std::string& str) : std::runtime_error(str) {}
      31             : };
      32             : 
      33             : /** C++ wrapper for BIGNUM */
      34             : class CBigNum
      35             : {
      36             :     mpz_t bn;
      37             : public:
      38             :     CBigNum();
      39             :     CBigNum(const CBigNum& b);
      40             :     CBigNum& operator=(const CBigNum& b);
      41             :     ~CBigNum();
      42             : 
      43             :     //CBigNum(char n) is not portable.  Use 'signed char' or 'unsigned char'.
      44             :     CBigNum(signed char n);
      45             :     CBigNum(short n);
      46             :     CBigNum(int n);
      47             :     CBigNum(long n);
      48             :     CBigNum(long long n);
      49             :     CBigNum(unsigned char n);
      50             :     CBigNum(unsigned short n);
      51             :     CBigNum(unsigned int n);
      52             :     CBigNum(unsigned long n);
      53             :     CBigNum(unsigned long long n);
      54             :     explicit CBigNum(uint256 n);
      55             :     explicit CBigNum(const std::vector<unsigned char>& vch);
      56             : 
      57             :     /** Generates a cryptographically secure random number between zero and range exclusive
      58             :     * i.e. 0 < returned number < range
      59             :     * @param range The upper bound on the number.
      60             :     * @return
      61             :     */
      62             :     static CBigNum randBignum(const CBigNum& range);
      63             : 
      64             :     /**Returns the size in bits of the underlying bignum.
      65             :      *
      66             :      * @return the size
      67             :      */
      68             :     int bitSize() const;
      69             :     void setulong(unsigned long n);
      70             :     unsigned long getulong() const;
      71             :     unsigned int getuint() const;
      72             :     int getint() const;
      73             :     void setint64(int64_t sn);
      74             :     void setuint64(uint64_t n);
      75             :     void setuint256(uint256 n);
      76             :     arith_uint256 getuint256() const;
      77             :     void setvch(const std::vector<unsigned char>& vch);
      78             :     std::vector<unsigned char> getvch() const;
      79             :     void SetDec(const std::string& str);
      80             :     void SetHex(const std::string& str);
      81             :     bool SetHexBool(const std::string& str);
      82             :     std::string ToString(int nBase=10) const;
      83             :     std::string GetHex() const;
      84             :     std::string GetDec() const;
      85             : 
      86             :     template<typename Stream>
      87         580 :     void Serialize(Stream& s) const
      88             :     {
      89         580 :         ::Serialize(s, getvch());
      90         580 :     }
      91             : 
      92             :     template<typename Stream>
      93           0 :     void Unserialize(Stream& s)
      94             :     {
      95           0 :         std::vector<unsigned char> vch;
      96           0 :         ::Unserialize(s, vch);
      97           0 :         setvch(vch);
      98           0 :     }
      99             : 
     100             :     /**
     101             :         * exponentiation with an int. this^e
     102             :         * @param e the exponent as an int
     103             :         * @return
     104             :         */
     105             :     CBigNum pow(const int e) const;
     106             : 
     107             :     /**
     108             :      * exponentiation this^e
     109             :      * @param e the exponent
     110             :      * @return
     111             :      */
     112             :     CBigNum pow(const CBigNum& e) const;
     113             : 
     114             :     /**
     115             :      * modular multiplication: (this * b) mod m
     116             :      * @param b operand
     117             :      * @param m modulus
     118             :      */
     119             :     CBigNum mul_mod(const CBigNum& b, const CBigNum& m) const;
     120             : 
     121             :     /**
     122             :      * modular exponentiation: this^e mod n
     123             :      * @param e exponent
     124             :      * @param m modulus
     125             :      */
     126             :     CBigNum pow_mod(const CBigNum& e, const CBigNum& m) const;
     127             : 
     128             :     /**
     129             :     * Calculates the inverse of this element mod m.
     130             :     * i.e. i such this*i = 1 mod m
     131             :     * @param m the modu
     132             :     * @return the inverse
     133             :     */
     134             :     CBigNum inverse(const CBigNum& m) const;
     135             : 
     136             :     /**
     137             :      * Calculates the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers.
     138             :      * @param m the second element
     139             :      * @return the GCD
     140             :      */
     141             :     CBigNum gcd( const CBigNum& b) const;
     142             : 
     143             :     /**
     144             :     * Miller-Rabin primality test on this element
     145             :     * @param checks: optional, the number of Miller-Rabin tests to run
     146             :     *                          default causes error rate of 2^-80.
     147             :     * @return true if prime
     148             :     */
     149             :     bool isPrime(const int checks=15) const;
     150             : 
     151             :     bool isOne() const;
     152             :     bool operator!() const;
     153             :     CBigNum& operator+=(const CBigNum& b);
     154             :     CBigNum& operator-=(const CBigNum& b);
     155             :     CBigNum& operator*=(const CBigNum& b);
     156             :     CBigNum& operator/=(const CBigNum& b);
     157             :     CBigNum& operator%=(const CBigNum& b);
     158             :     CBigNum& operator<<=(unsigned int shift);
     159             :     CBigNum& operator>>=(unsigned int shift);
     160             :     CBigNum& operator++();
     161             :     const CBigNum operator++(int);
     162             :     CBigNum& operator--();
     163             :     const CBigNum operator--(int);
     164             : 
     165             :     friend inline const CBigNum operator+(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b);
     166             :     friend inline const CBigNum operator-(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b);
     167             :     friend inline const CBigNum operator/(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b);
     168             :     friend inline const CBigNum operator%(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b);
     169             :     friend inline const CBigNum operator*(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b);
     170             :     friend inline const CBigNum operator<<(const CBigNum& a, unsigned int shift);
     171             :     friend inline const CBigNum operator-(const CBigNum& a);
     172             :     friend inline bool operator==(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b);
     173             :     friend inline bool operator!=(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b);
     174             :     friend inline bool operator<=(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b);
     175             :     friend inline bool operator>=(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b);
     176             :     friend inline bool operator<(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b);
     177             :     friend inline bool operator>(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b);
     178             : };
     179             : 
     180      645692 : inline const CBigNum operator+(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b) {
     181      645692 :     CBigNum r;
     182      645692 :     mpz_add(,,;
     183      645692 :     return r;
     184             : }
     185      297472 : inline const CBigNum operator-(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b) {
     186      297472 :     CBigNum r;
     187      297472 :     mpz_sub(,,;
     188      297472 :     return r;
     189             : }
     190        1404 : inline const CBigNum operator-(const CBigNum& a) {
     191        1404 :     CBigNum r;
     192        1404 :     mpz_neg(,;
     193        1404 :     return r;
     194             : }
     195     1223862 : inline const CBigNum operator*(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b) {
     196     1223862 :     CBigNum r;
     197     1223862 :     mpz_mul(,,;
     198     1223862 :     return r;
     199             : }
     200        2900 : inline const CBigNum operator/(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b) {
     201        2900 :     CBigNum r;
     202        2900 :     mpz_tdiv_q(,,;
     203        2900 :     return r;
     204             : }
     205      296439 : inline const CBigNum operator%(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b) {
     206      296439 :     CBigNum r;
     207      296439 :     mpz_mmod(,,;
     208      296439 :     return r;
     209             : }
     210             : inline const CBigNum operator<<(const CBigNum& a, unsigned int shift) {
     211             :     CBigNum r;
     212             :     mpz_mul_2exp(,, shift);
     213             :     return r;
     214             : }
     215             : inline const CBigNum operator>>(const CBigNum& a, unsigned int shift) {
     216             :     CBigNum r = a;
     217             :     r >>= shift;
     218             :     return r;
     219             : }
     220        5964 : inline bool operator==(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b) { return (mpz_cmp(, == 0); }
     221        5616 : inline bool operator!=(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b) { return (mpz_cmp(, != 0); }
     222        5616 : inline bool operator<=(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b) { return (mpz_cmp(, <= 0); }
     223        5616 : inline bool operator>=(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b) { return (mpz_cmp(, >= 0); }
     224        5618 : inline bool operator<(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b)  { return (mpz_cmp(, < 0); }
     225      377918 : inline bool operator>(const CBigNum& a, const CBigNum& b)  { return (mpz_cmp(, > 0); }
     226             : 
     227           0 : inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &strm, const CBigNum &b) { return strm << b.ToString(10); }
     228             : 
     229             : typedef CBigNum Bignum;
     230             : 
     231             : /** constant bignum instances */
     232             : const CBigNum BN_ZERO = CBigNum(0);
     233             : const CBigNum BN_ONE = CBigNum(1);
     234             : const CBigNum BN_TWO = CBigNum(2);
     235             : const CBigNum BN_THREE = CBigNum(3);
     236             : 
     237             : #endif // PIVX_LIBZEROCOIN_BIGNUM_H

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14