LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/immer - map.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 23 23 100.0 %
Date: 2025-02-23 09:33:43 Functions: 6 6 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //
       2             : // immer: immutable data structures for C++
       3             : // Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018 Juan Pedro Bolivar Puente
       4             : //
       5             : // This software is distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
       6             : // See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at
       7             : //
       8             : 
       9             : #pragma once
      10             : 
      11             : #include <immer/config.hpp>
      12             : #include <immer/detail/hamts/champ.hpp>
      13             : #include <immer/detail/hamts/champ_iterator.hpp>
      14             : #include <immer/memory_policy.hpp>
      15             : 
      16             : #include <cassert>
      17             : #include <stdexcept>
      18             : #include <functional>
      19             : 
      20             : namespace immer {
      21             : 
      22             : template <typename K,
      23             :           typename T,
      24             :           typename Hash,
      25             :           typename Equal,
      26             :           typename MemoryPolicy,
      27             :           detail::hamts::bits_t B>
      28             : class map_transient;
      29             : 
      30             : /*!
      31             :  * Immutable unordered mapping of values from type `K` to type `T`.
      32             :  *
      33             :  * @tparam K    The type of the keys.
      34             :  * @tparam T    The type of the values to be stored in the container.
      35             :  * @tparam Hash The type of a function object capable of hashing
      36             :  *              values of type `T`.
      37             :  * @tparam Equal The type of a function object capable of comparing
      38             :  *              values of type `T`.
      39             :  * @tparam MemoryPolicy Memory management policy. See @ref
      40             :  *              memory_policy.
      41             :  *
      42             :  * @rst
      43             :  *
      44             :  * This cotainer provides a good trade-off between cache locality,
      45             :  * search, update performance and structural sharing.  It does so by
      46             :  * storing the data in contiguous chunks of :math:`2^{B}` elements.
      47             :  * When storing big objects, the size of these contiguous chunks can
      48             :  * become too big, damaging performance.  If this is measured to be
      49             :  * problematic for a specific use-case, it can be solved by using a
      50             :  * `immer::box` to wrap the type `T`.
      51             :  *
      52             :  * **Example**
      53             :  *   .. literalinclude:: ../example/map/intro.cpp
      54             :  *      :language: c++
      55             :  *      :start-after: intro/start
      56             :  *      :end-before:  intro/end
      57             :  *
      58             :  * @endrst
      59             :  *
      60             :  */
      61             : template <typename K,
      62             :           typename T,
      63             :           typename Hash           = std::hash<K>,
      64             :           typename Equal          = std::equal_to<K>,
      65             :           typename MemoryPolicy   = default_memory_policy,
      66             :           detail::hamts::bits_t B = default_bits>
      67       56451 : class map
      68             : {
      69             :     using value_t = std::pair<K, T>;
      70             : 
      71             :     struct project_value
      72             :     {
      73             :         const T& operator()(const value_t& v) const noexcept
      74             :         {
      75             :             return v.second;
      76             :         }
      77             :     };
      78             : 
      79             :     struct project_value_ptr
      80             :     {
      81      196588 :         const T* operator()(const value_t& v) const noexcept
      82             :         {
      83      196588 :             return &v.second;
      84             :         }
      85             :     };
      86             : 
      87             :     struct combine_value
      88             :     {
      89             :         template <typename Kf, typename Tf>
      90             :         value_t operator()(Kf&& k, Tf&& v) const
      91             :         {
      92             :             return {std::forward<Kf>(k), std::forward<Tf>(v)};
      93             :         }
      94             :     };
      95             : 
      96             :     struct default_value
      97             :     {
      98             :         const T& operator()() const
      99             :         {
     100             :             static T v{};
     101             :             return v;
     102             :         }
     103             :     };
     104             : 
     105             :     struct error_value
     106             :     {
     107             :         const T& operator()() const
     108             :         {
     109             :             IMMER_THROW(std::out_of_range{"key not found"});
     110             :         }
     111             :     };
     112             : 
     113             :     struct hash_key
     114             :     {
     115       29900 :         auto operator()(const value_t& v) { return Hash{}(v.first); }
     116             : 
     117             :         template<typename Key>
     118      767368 :         auto operator()(const Key& v) { return Hash{}(v); }
     119             :     };
     120             : 
     121             :     struct equal_key
     122             :     {
     123       23310 :         auto operator()(const value_t& a, const value_t& b)
     124             :         {
     125       23310 :             return Equal{}(a.first, b.first);
     126             :         }
     127             : 
     128             :         template<typename Key>
     129         447 :         auto operator()(const value_t& a, const Key& b)
     130             :         {
     131      228275 :             return Equal{}(a.first, b);
     132             :         }
     133             :     };
     134             : 
     135             :     struct equal_value
     136             :     {
     137             :         auto operator()(const value_t& a, const value_t& b)
     138             :         {
     139             :             return Equal{}(a.first, b.first) && a.second == b.second;
     140             :         }
     141             :     };
     142             : 
     143             :     using impl_t =
     144             :         detail::hamts::champ<value_t, hash_key, equal_key, MemoryPolicy, B>;
     145             : 
     146             : public:
     147             :     using key_type        = K;
     148             :     using mapped_type     = T;
     149             :     using value_type      = std::pair<K, T>;
     150             :     using size_type       = detail::hamts::size_t;
     151             :     using diference_type  = std::ptrdiff_t;
     152             :     using hasher          = Hash;
     153             :     using key_equal       = Equal;
     154             :     using reference       = const value_type&;
     155             :     using const_reference = const value_type&;
     156             : 
     157             :     using iterator = detail::hamts::
     158             :         champ_iterator<value_t, hash_key, equal_key, MemoryPolicy, B>;
     159             :     using const_iterator = iterator;
     160             : 
     161             :     using transient_type = map_transient<K, T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B>;
     162             : 
     163             :     /*!
     164             :      * Default constructor.  It creates a set of `size() == 0`.  It
     165             :      * does not allocate memory and its complexity is @f$ O(1) @f$.
     166             :      */
     167      415729 :     map() = default;
     168             : 
     169             :     /*!
     170             :      * Returns an iterator pointing at the first element of the
     171             :      * collection. It does not allocate memory and its complexity is
     172             :      * @f$ O(1) @f$.
     173             :      */
     174       79356 :     IMMER_NODISCARD iterator begin() const { return {impl_}; }
     175             : 
     176             :     /*!
     177             :      * Returns an iterator pointing just after the last element of the
     178             :      * collection. It does not allocate and its complexity is @f$ O(1) @f$.
     179             :      */
     180       79356 :     IMMER_NODISCARD iterator end() const
     181             :     {
     182       79356 :         return {impl_, typename iterator::end_t{}};
     183             :     }
     184             : 
     185             :     /*!
     186             :      * Returns the number of elements in the container.  It does
     187             :      * not allocate memory and its complexity is @f$ O(1) @f$.
     188             :      */
     189       23594 :     IMMER_NODISCARD size_type size() const { return impl_.size; }
     190             : 
     191             :     /*!
     192             :      * Returns `true` if there are no elements in the container.  It
     193             :      * does not allocate memory and its complexity is @f$ O(1) @f$.
     194             :      */
     195             :     IMMER_NODISCARD bool empty() const { return impl_.size == 0; }
     196             : 
     197             :     /*!
     198             :      * Returns `1` when the key `k` is contained in the map or `0`
     199             :      * otherwise. It won't allocate memory and its complexity is
     200             :      * *effectively* @f$ O(1) @f$.
     201             :      *
     202             :      * This overload participates in overload resolution only if
     203             :      * `Hash::is_transparent` is valid and denotes a type.
     204             :      */
     205             :     template<typename Key, typename U = Hash, typename = typename U::is_transparent>
     206             :     IMMER_NODISCARD size_type count(const Key& k) const
     207             :     {
     208             :         return impl_.template get<detail::constantly<size_type, 1>,
     209             :                                   detail::constantly<size_type, 0>>(k);
     210             :     }
     211             : 
     212             :     /*!
     213             :      * Returns `1` when the key `k` is contained in the map or `0`
     214             :      * otherwise. It won't allocate memory and its complexity is
     215             :      * *effectively* @f$ O(1) @f$.
     216             :      */
     217       29629 :     IMMER_NODISCARD size_type count(const K& k) const
     218             :     {
     219             :         return impl_.template get<detail::constantly<size_type, 1>,
     220       29629 :                                   detail::constantly<size_type, 0>>(k);
     221             :     }
     222             : 
     223             :     /*!
     224             :      * Returns a `const` reference to the values associated to the key
     225             :      * `k`.  If the key is not contained in the map, it returns a
     226             :      * default constructed value.  It does not allocate memory and its
     227             :      * complexity is *effectively* @f$ O(1) @f$.
     228             :      *
     229             :      * This overload participates in overload resolution only if
     230             :      * `Hash::is_transparent` is valid and denotes a type.
     231             :      */
     232             :     template<typename Key, typename U = Hash, typename = typename U::is_transparent>
     233             :     IMMER_NODISCARD const T& operator[](const Key& k) const
     234             :     {
     235             :         return impl_.template get<project_value, default_value>(k);
     236             :     }
     237             : 
     238             :     /*!
     239             :      * Returns a `const` reference to the values associated to the key
     240             :      * `k`.  If the key is not contained in the map, it returns a
     241             :      * default constructed value.  It does not allocate memory and its
     242             :      * complexity is *effectively* @f$ O(1) @f$.
     243             :      */
     244             :     IMMER_NODISCARD const T& operator[](const K& k) const
     245             :     {
     246             :         return impl_.template get<project_value, default_value>(k);
     247             :     }
     248             : 
     249             :     /*!
     250             :      * Returns a `const` reference to the values associated to the key
     251             :      * `k`.  If the key is not contained in the map, throws an
     252             :      * `std::out_of_range` error.  It does not allocate memory and its
     253             :      * complexity is *effectively* @f$ O(1) @f$.
     254             :      */
     255             :     template<typename Key, typename U = Hash, typename = typename U::is_transparent>
     256             :     const T& at(const Key& k) const
     257             :     {
     258             :         return impl_.template get<project_value, error_value>(k);
     259             :     }
     260             : 
     261             :     /*!
     262             :      * Returns a `const` reference to the values associated to the key
     263             :      * `k`.  If the key is not contained in the map, throws an
     264             :      * `std::out_of_range` error.  It does not allocate memory and its
     265             :      * complexity is *effectively* @f$ O(1) @f$.
     266             :      *
     267             :      * This overload participates in overload resolution only if
     268             :      * `Hash::is_transparent` is valid and denotes a type.
     269             :      */
     270             :     const T& at(const K& k) const
     271             :     {
     272             :         return impl_.template get<project_value, error_value>(k);
     273             :     }
     274             : 
     275             :     /*!
     276             :      * Returns a pointer to the value associated with the key `k`.  If
     277             :      * the key is not contained in the map, a `nullptr` is returned.
     278             :      * It does not allocate memory and its complexity is *effectively*
     279             :      * @f$ O(1) @f$.
     280             :      *
     281             :      * @rst
     282             :      *
     283             :      * .. admonition:: Why doesn't this function return an iterator?
     284             :      *
     285             :      *   Associative containers from the C++ standard library provide a
     286             :      *   ``find`` method that returns an iterator pointing to the
     287             :      *   element in the container or ``end()`` when the key is missing.
     288             :      *   In the case of an unordered container, the only meaningful
     289             :      *   thing one may do with it is to compare it with the end, to
     290             :      *   test if the find was succesfull, and dereference it.  This
     291             :      *   comparison is cumbersome compared to testing for a non-empty
     292             :      *   optional value.  Furthermore, for an immutable container,
     293             :      *   returning an iterator would have some additional performance
     294             :      *   cost, with no benefits otherwise.
     295             :      *
     296             :      *   In our opinion, this function should return a
     297             :      *   ``std::optional<const T&>`` but this construction is not valid
     298             :      *   in any current standard.  As a compromise we return a
     299             :      *   pointer, which has similar syntactic properties yet it is
     300             :      *   unfortunatelly unnecessarily unrestricted.
     301             :      *
     302             :      * @endrst
     303             :      */
     304      737292 :     IMMER_NODISCARD const T* find(const K& k) const
     305             :     {
     306             :         return impl_.template get<project_value_ptr,
     307      737292 :                                   detail::constantly<const T*, nullptr>>(k);
     308             :     }
     309             : 
     310             : 
     311             :     /*!
     312             :      * Returns a pointer to the value associated with the key `k`.  If
     313             :      * the key is not contained in the map, a `nullptr` is returned.
     314             :      * It does not allocate memory and its complexity is *effectively*
     315             :      * @f$ O(1) @f$.
     316             :      *
     317             :      * This overload participates in overload resolution only if
     318             :      * `Hash::is_transparent` is valid and denotes a type.
     319             :      */
     320             :     template<typename Key, typename U = Hash, typename = typename U::is_transparent>
     321             :     IMMER_NODISCARD const T* find(const Key& k) const
     322             :     {
     323             :         return impl_.template get<project_value_ptr,
     324             :                                   detail::constantly<const T*, nullptr>>(k);
     325             :     }
     326             : 
     327             :     /*!
     328             :      * Returns whether the sets are equal.
     329             :      */
     330             :     IMMER_NODISCARD bool operator==(const map& other) const
     331             :     {
     332             :         return impl_.template equals<equal_value>(other.impl_);
     333             :     }
     334             :     IMMER_NODISCARD bool operator!=(const map& other) const
     335             :     {
     336             :         return !(*this == other);
     337             :     }
     338             : 
     339             :     /*!
     340             :      * Returns a map containing the association `value`.  If the key is
     341             :      * already in the map, it replaces its association in the map.
     342             :      * It may allocate memory and its complexity is *effectively* @f$
     343             :      * O(1) @f$.
     344             :      */
     345             :     IMMER_NODISCARD map insert(value_type value) const
     346             :     {
     347             :         return impl_.add(std::move(value));
     348             :     }
     349             : 
     350             :     /*!
     351             :      * Returns a map containing the association `(k, v)`.  If the key
     352             :      * is already in the map, it replaces its association in the map.
     353             :      * It may allocate memory and its complexity is *effectively* @f$
     354             :      * O(1) @f$.
     355             :      */
     356       28564 :     IMMER_NODISCARD map set(key_type k, mapped_type v) const
     357             :     {
     358       57128 :         return impl_.add({std::move(k), std::move(v)});
     359             :     }
     360             : 
     361             :     /*!
     362             :      * Returns a map replacing the association `(k, v)` by the
     363             :      * association new association `(k, fn(v))`, where `v` is the
     364             :      * currently associated value for `k` in the map or a default
     365             :      * constructed value otherwise. It may allocate memory
     366             :      * and its complexity is *effectively* @f$ O(1) @f$.
     367             :      */
     368             :     template <typename Fn>
     369             :     IMMER_NODISCARD map update(key_type k, Fn&& fn) const
     370             :     {
     371             :         return impl_
     372             :             .template update<project_value, default_value, combine_value>(
     373             :                 std::move(k), std::forward<Fn>(fn));
     374             :     }
     375             : 
     376             :     /*!
     377             :      * Returns a map without the key `k`.  If the key is not
     378             :      * associated in the map it returns the same map.  It may allocate
     379             :      * memory and its complexity is *effectively* @f$ O(1) @f$.
     380             :      */
     381         894 :     IMMER_NODISCARD map erase(const K& k) const { return impl_.sub(k); }
     382             : 
     383             :     /*!
     384             :      * Returns an @a transient form of this container, a
     385             :      * `immer::map_transient`.
     386             :      */
     387             :     IMMER_NODISCARD transient_type transient() const&
     388             :     {
     389             :         return transient_type{impl_};
     390             :     }
     391             :     IMMER_NODISCARD transient_type transient() &&
     392             :     {
     393             :         return transient_type{std::move(impl_)};
     394             :     }
     395             : 
     396             :     // Semi-private
     397             :     const impl_t& impl() const { return impl_; }
     398             : 
     399             : private:
     400             :     friend transient_type;
     401             : 
     402       29011 :     map(impl_t impl)
     403       29011 :         : impl_(std::move(impl))
     404             :     {}
     405             : 
     406             :     impl_t impl_ = impl_t::empty();
     407             : };
     408             : 
     409             : } // namespace immer

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14