LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - cuckoocache.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 91 93 97.8 %
Date: 2025-02-23 09:33:43 Functions: 7 7 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Copyright (c) 2016 Jeremy Rubin
       2             : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
       3             : // file COPYING or
       4             : 
       5             : #ifndef PIVX_CUCKOOCACHE_H
       6             : #define PIVX_CUCKOOCACHE_H
       7             : 
       8             : #include <array>
       9             : #include <algorithm>
      10             : #include <atomic>
      11             : #include <cstring>
      12             : #include <cmath>
      13             : #include <memory>
      14             : #include <vector>
      15             : 
      16             : 
      17             : /** namespace CuckooCache provides high performance cache primitives
      18             :  *
      19             :  * Summary:
      20             :  *
      21             :  * 1) bit_packed_atomic_flags is bit-packed atomic flags for garbage collection
      22             :  *
      23             :  * 2) cache is a cache which is performant in memory usage and lookup speed. It
      24             :  * is lockfree for erase operations. Elements are lazily erased on the next
      25             :  * insert.
      26             :  */
      27             : namespace CuckooCache
      28             : {
      29             : /** bit_packed_atomic_flags implements a container for garbage collection flags
      30             :  * that is only thread unsafe on calls to setup. This class bit-packs collection
      31             :  * flags for memory efficiency.
      32             :  *
      33             :  * All operations are std::memory_order_relaxed so external mechanisms must
      34             :  * ensure that writes and reads are properly synchronized.
      35             :  *
      36             :  * On setup(n), all bits up to n are marked as collected.
      37             :  *
      38             :  * Under the hood, because it is an 8-bit type, it makes sense to use a multiple
      39             :  * of 8 for setup, but it will be safe if that is not the case as well.
      40             :  *
      41             :  */
      42         800 : class bit_packed_atomic_flags
      43             : {
      44             :     std::unique_ptr<std::atomic<uint8_t>[]> mem;
      45             : 
      46             : public:
      47             :     /** No default constructor as there must be some size */
      48             :     bit_packed_atomic_flags() = delete;
      49             : 
      50             :     /**
      51             :      * bit_packed_atomic_flags constructor creates memory to sufficiently
      52             :      * keep track of garbage collection information for size entries.
      53             :      *
      54             :      * @param size the number of elements to allocate space for
      55             :      *
      56             :      * @post bit_set, bit_unset, and bit_is_set function properly forall x. x <
      57             :      * size
      58             :      * @post All calls to bit_is_set (without subsequent bit_unset) will return
      59             :      * true.
      60             :      */
      61        1288 :     bit_packed_atomic_flags(uint32_t size)
      62        1288 :     {
      63             :         // pad out the size if needed
      64        1288 :         size = (size + 7) / 8;
      65   103826674 :         mem.reset(new std::atomic<uint8_t>[size]);
      66   103826674 :         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
      67   103825456 :             mem[i].store(0xFF);
      68        1288 :     };
      69             : 
      70             :     /** setup marks all entries and ensures that bit_packed_atomic_flags can store
      71             :      * at least size entries
      72             :      *
      73             :      * @param b the number of elements to allocate space for
      74             :      * @post bit_set, bit_unset, and bit_is_set function properly forall x. x <
      75             :      * b
      76             :      * @post All calls to bit_is_set (without subsequent bit_unset) will return
      77             :      * true.
      78             :      */
      79         800 :     inline void setup(uint32_t b)
      80             :     {
      81         800 :         bit_packed_atomic_flags d(b);
      82         800 :         std::swap(mem, d.mem);
      83         800 :     }
      84             : 
      85             :     /** bit_set sets an entry as discardable.
      86             :      *
      87             :      * @param s the index of the entry to bit_set.
      88             :      * @post immediately subsequent call (assuming proper external memory
      89             :      * ordering) to bit_is_set(s) == true.
      90             :      *
      91             :      */
      92     2511517 :     inline void bit_set(uint32_t s)
      93             :     {
      94     2511517 :         mem[s >> 3].fetch_or(1 << (s & 7), std::memory_order_relaxed);
      95             :     }
      96             : 
      97             :     /**  bit_unset marks an entry as something that should not be overwritten
      98             :      *
      99             :      * @param s the index of the entry to bit_unset.
     100             :      * @post immediately subsequent call (assuming proper external memory
     101             :      * ordering) to bit_is_set(s) == false.
     102             :      */
     103     2289791 :     inline void bit_unset(uint32_t s)
     104             :     {
     105     2289791 :         mem[s >> 3].fetch_and(~(1 << (s & 7)), std::memory_order_relaxed);
     106             :     }
     107             : 
     108             :     /** bit_is_set queries the table for discardability at s
     109             :      *
     110             :      * @param s the index of the entry to read.
     111             :      * @returns if the bit at index s was set.
     112             :      * */
     113    11058807 :     inline bool bit_is_set(uint32_t s) const
     114             :     {
     115    11058807 :         return (1 << (s & 7)) & mem[s >> 3].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
     116             :     }
     117             : };
     118             : 
     119             : /** cache implements a cache with properties similar to a cuckoo-set
     120             :  *
     121             :  *  The cache is able to hold up to (~(uint32_t)0) - 1 elements.
     122             :  *
     123             :  *  Read Operations:
     124             :  *      - contains(*, false)
     125             :  *
     126             :  *  Read+Erase Operations:
     127             :  *      - contains(*, true)
     128             :  *
     129             :  *  Erase Operations:
     130             :  *      - allow_erase()
     131             :  *
     132             :  *  Write Operations:
     133             :  *      - setup()
     134             :  *      - setup_bytes()
     135             :  *      - insert()
     136             :  *      - please_keep()
     137             :  *
     138             :  *  Synchronization Free Operations:
     139             :  *      - invalid()
     140             :  *      - compute_hashes()
     141             :  *
     142             :  * User Must Guarantee:
     143             :  *
     144             :  * 1) Write Requires synchronized access (e.g., a lock)
     145             :  * 2) Read Requires no concurrent Write, synchronized with the last insert.
     146             :  * 3) Erase requires no concurrent Write, synchronized with last insert.
     147             :  * 4) An Erase caller must release all memory before allowing a new Writer.
     148             :  *
     149             :  *
     150             :  * Note on function names:
     151             :  *   - The name "allow_erase" is used because the real discard happens later.
     152             :  *   - The name "please_keep" is used because elements may be erased anyways on insert.
     153             :  *
     154             :  * @tparam Element should be a movable and copyable type
     155             :  * @tparam Hash should be a function/callable which takes a template parameter
     156             :  * hash_select and an Element and extracts a hash from it. Should return
     157             :  * high-entropy hashes for `Hash h; h<0>(e) ... h<7>(e)`.
     158             :  */
     159             : template <typename Element, typename Hash>
     160             : class cache
     161             : {
     162             : private:
     163             :     /** table stores all the elements */
     164             :     std::vector<Element> table;
     165             : 
     166             :     /** size stores the total available slots in the hash table */
     167             :     uint32_t size;
     168             : 
     169             :     /** The bit_packed_atomic_flags array is marked mutable because we want
     170             :      * garbage collection to be allowed to occur from const methods */
     171             :     mutable bit_packed_atomic_flags collection_flags;
     172             : 
     173             :     /** epoch_flags tracks how recently an element was inserted into
     174             :      * the cache. true denotes recent, false denotes not-recent. See insert()
     175             :      * method for full semantics.
     176             :      */
     177             :     mutable std::vector<bool> epoch_flags;
     178             : 
     179             :     /** epoch_heuristic_counter is used to determine when a epoch might be aged
     180             :      * & an expensive scan should be done.  epoch_heuristic_counter is
     181             :      * decremented on insert and reset to the new number of inserts which would
     182             :      * cause the epoch to reach epoch_size when it reaches zero.
     183             :      */
     184             :     uint32_t epoch_heuristic_counter;
     185             : 
     186             :     /** epoch_size is set to be the number of elements supposed to be in a
     187             :      * epoch. When the number of non-erased elements in a epoch
     188             :      * exceeds epoch_size, a new epoch should be started and all
     189             :      * current entries demoted. epoch_size is set to be 45% of size because
     190             :      * we want to keep load around 90%, and we support 3 epochs at once --
     191             :      * one "dead" which has been erased, one "dying" which has been marked to be
     192             :      * erased next, and one "living" which new inserts add to.
     193             :      */
     194             :     uint32_t epoch_size;
     195             : 
     196             :     /** hash_mask should be set to appropriately mask out a hash such that every
     197             :      * masked hash is [0,size), eg, if floor(log2(size)) == 20, then hash_mask
     198             :      * should be (1<<20)-1
     199             :      */
     200             :     uint32_t hash_mask;
     201             : 
     202             :     /** depth_limit determines how many elements insert should try to replace.
     203             :      * Should be set to log2(n)*/
     204             :     uint8_t depth_limit;
     205             : 
     206             :     /** hash_function is a const instance of the hash function. It cannot be
     207             :      * static or initialized at call time as it may have internal state (such as
     208             :      * a nonce).
     209             :      * */
     210             :     const Hash hash_function;
     211             : 
     212             :     /** compute_hashes is convenience for not having to write out this
     213             :      * expression everywhere we use the hash values of an Element.
     214             :      *
     215             :      * @param e the element whose hashes will be returned
     216             :      * @returns std::array<uint32_t, 8> of deterministic hashes derived from e
     217             :      */
     218     5243948 :     inline std::array<uint32_t, 8> compute_hashes(const Element& e) const
     219             :     {
     220     5243948 :         return {{hash_function.template operator()<0>(e) & hash_mask,
     221     5243948 :                  hash_function.template operator()<1>(e) & hash_mask,
     222     5243948 :                  hash_function.template operator()<2>(e) & hash_mask,
     223     5243948 :                  hash_function.template operator()<3>(e) & hash_mask,
     224     5243948 :                  hash_function.template operator()<4>(e) & hash_mask,
     225     5243948 :                  hash_function.template operator()<5>(e) & hash_mask,
     226     5243948 :                  hash_function.template operator()<6>(e) & hash_mask,
     227     5243948 :                  hash_function.template operator()<7>(e) & hash_mask}};
     228             :     }
     229             : 
     230             :     /* end
     231             :      * @returns a constexpr index that can never be inserted to */
     232     2289791 :     constexpr uint32_t invalid() const
     233             :     {
     234             :         return ~(uint32_t)0;
     235             :     }
     236             : 
     237             :     /** allow_erase marks the element at index n as discardable. Threadsafe
     238             :      * without any concurrent insert.
     239             :      * @param n the index to allow erasure of
     240             :      */
     241     2511517 :     inline void allow_erase(uint32_t n) const
     242             :     {
     243     2511517 :         collection_flags.bit_set(n);
     244     2511517 :     }
     245             : 
     246             :     /** please_keep marks the element at index n as an entry that should be kept.
     247             :      * Threadsafe without any concurrent insert.
     248             :      * @param n the index to prioritize keeping
     249             :      */
     250     2289791 :     inline void please_keep(uint32_t n) const
     251             :     {
     252     2289791 :         collection_flags.bit_unset(n);
     253             :     }
     254             : 
     255             :     /** epoch_check handles the changing of epochs for elements stored in the
     256             :      * cache. epoch_check should be run before every insert.
     257             :      *
     258             :      * First, epoch_check decrements and checks the cheap heuristic, and then does
     259             :      * a more expensive scan if the cheap heuristic runs out. If the expensive
     260             :      * scan succeeds, the epochs are aged and old elements are allow_erased. The
     261             :      * cheap heuristic is reset to retrigger after the worst case growth of the
     262             :      * current epoch's elements would exceed the epoch_size.
     263             :      */
     264     2289791 :     void epoch_check()
     265             :     {
     266     2289791 :         if (epoch_heuristic_counter != 0) {
     267     2289711 :             --epoch_heuristic_counter;
     268     2289711 :             return;
     269             :         }
     270             :         // count the number of elements from the latest epoch which
     271             :         // have not been erased.
     272             :         uint32_t epoch_unused_count = 0;
     273    11010100 :         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
     274    11930300 :             epoch_unused_count += epoch_flags[i] &&
     275     5500900 :                                   !collection_flags.bit_is_set(i);
     276             :         // If there are more non-deleted entries in the current epoch than the
     277             :         // epoch size, then allow_erase on all elements in the old epoch (marked
     278             :         // false) and move all elements in the current epoch to the old epoch
     279             :         // but do not call allow_erase on their indices.
     280          84 :         if (epoch_unused_count >= epoch_size) {
     281     3145750 :             for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
     282     3145730 :                 if (epoch_flags[i])
     283     1622180 :                     epoch_flags[i] = false;
     284             :                 else
     285     3145730 :                     allow_erase(i);
     286          24 :             epoch_heuristic_counter = epoch_size;
     287             :         } else
     288             :             // reset the epoch_heuristic_counter to next do a scan when worst
     289             :             // case behavior (no intermittent erases) would exceed epoch size,
     290             :             // with a reasonable minimum scan size.
     291             :             // Ordinarily, we would have to sanity check std::min(epoch_size,
     292             :             // epoch_unused_count), but we already know that `epoch_unused_count
     293             :             // < epoch_size` in this branch
     294         180 :             epoch_heuristic_counter = std::max(1u, std::max(epoch_size / 16,
     295         150 :                         epoch_size - epoch_unused_count));
     296             :     }
     297             : 
     298             : public:
     299             :     /** You must always construct a cache with some elements via a subsequent
     300             :      * call to setup or setup_bytes, otherwise operations may segfault.
     301             :      */
     302         488 :     cache() : table(), size(), collection_flags(0), epoch_flags(),
     303         488 :     epoch_heuristic_counter(), epoch_size(), depth_limit(0), hash_function()
     304             :     {
     305         488 :     }
     306             : 
     307             :     /** setup initializes the container to store no more than new_size
     308             :      * elements. setup rounds down to a power of two size.
     309             :      *
     310             :      * setup should only be called once.
     311             :      *
     312             :      * @param new_size the desired number of elements to store
     313             :      * @returns the maximum number of elements storable
     314             :      **/
     315         800 :     uint32_t setup(uint32_t new_size)
     316             :     {
     317             :         // depth_limit must be at least one otherwise errors can occur.
     318        1600 :         depth_limit = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::log2(static_cast<float>(std::max((uint32_t)2, new_size))));
     319         800 :         size = 1 << depth_limit;
     320         800 :         hash_mask = size-1;
     321         800 :         table.resize(size);
     322         800 :         collection_flags.setup(size);
     323         800 :         epoch_flags.resize(size);
     324             :         // Set to 45% as described above
     325         800 :         epoch_size = std::max((uint32_t)1, (45 * size) / 100);
     326             :         // Initially set to wait for a whole epoch
     327         800 :         epoch_heuristic_counter = epoch_size;
     328         800 :         return size;
     329             :     }
     330             : 
     331             :     /** setup_bytes is a convenience function which accounts for internal memory
     332             :      * usage when deciding how many elements to store. It isn't perfect because
     333             :      * it doesn't account for any overhead (struct size, MallocUsage, collection
     334             :      * and epoch flags). This was done to simplify selecting a power of two
     335             :      * size. In the expected use case, an extra two bits per entry should be
     336             :      * negligible compared to the size of the elements.
     337             :      *
     338             :      * @param bytes the approximate number of bytes to use for this data
     339             :      * structure.
     340             :      * @returns the maximum number of elements storable (see setup()
     341             :      * documentation for more detail)
     342             :      */
     343         800 :     uint32_t setup_bytes(size_t bytes)
     344             :     {
     345         800 :         return setup(bytes/sizeof(Element));
     346             :     }
     347             : 
     348             :     /** insert loops at most depth_limit times trying to insert a hash
     349             :      * at various locations in the table via a variant of the Cuckoo Algorithm
     350             :      * with eight hash locations.
     351             :      *
     352             :      * It drops the last tried element if it runs out of depth before
     353             :      * encountering an open slot.
     354             :      *
     355             :      * Thus
     356             :      *
     357             :      * insert(x);
     358             :      * return contains(x, false);
     359             :      *
     360             :      * is not guaranteed to return true.
     361             :      *
     362             :      * @param e the element to insert
     363             :      * @post one of the following: All previously inserted elements and e are
     364             :      * now in the table, one previously inserted element is evicted from the
     365             :      * table, the entry attempted to be inserted is evicted.
     366             :      *
     367             :      */
     368     2289791 :     inline void insert(Element e)
     369             :     {
     370     2289791 :         epoch_check();
     371     2289791 :         uint32_t last_loc = invalid();
     372     2289791 :         bool last_epoch = true;
     373     2289791 :         std::array<uint32_t, 8> locs = compute_hashes(e);
     374             :         // Make sure we have not already inserted this element
     375             :         // If we have, make sure that it does not get deleted
     376    20608100 :         for (uint32_t loc : locs)
     377    18318290 :             if (table[loc] == e) {
     378           0 :                 please_keep(loc);
     379           0 :                 epoch_flags[loc] = last_epoch;
     380     2289791 :                 return;
     381             :             }
     382     2375961 :         for (uint8_t depth = 0; depth < depth_limit; ++depth) {
     383             :             // First try to insert to an empty slot, if one exists
     384     5644127 :             for (uint32_t loc : locs) {
     385     5557947 :                 if (!collection_flags.bit_is_set(loc))
     386             :                     continue;
     387     2289791 :                 table[loc] = std::move(e);
     388     2289791 :                 please_keep(loc);
     389     2289791 :                 epoch_flags[loc] = last_epoch;
     390     2289791 :                 return;
     391             :             }
     392             :             /** Swap with the element at the location that was
     393             :             * not the last one looked at. Example:
     394             :             *
     395             :             * 1) On first iteration, last_loc == invalid(), find returns last, so
     396             :             *    last_loc defaults to locs[0].
     397             :             * 2) On further iterations, where last_loc == locs[k], last_loc will
     398             :             *    go to locs[k+1 % 8], i.e., next of the 8 indices wrapping around
     399             :             *    to 0 if needed.
     400             :             *
     401             :             * This prevents moving the element we just put in.
     402             :             *
     403             :             * The swap is not a move -- we must switch onto the evicted element
     404             :             * for the next iteration.
     405             :             */
     406       86173 :             last_loc = locs[(1 + (std::find(locs.begin(), locs.end(), last_loc) - locs.begin())) & 7];
     407       86173 :             std::swap(table[last_loc], e);
     408             :             // Can't std::swap a std::vector<bool>::reference and a bool&.
     409       86173 :             bool epoch = last_epoch;
     410       86173 :             last_epoch = epoch_flags[last_loc];
     411      172346 :             epoch_flags[last_loc] = epoch;
     412             : 
     413             :             // Recompute the locs -- unfortunately happens one too many times!
     414       86173 :             locs = compute_hashes(e);
     415             :         }
     416             :     }
     417             : 
     418             :     /* contains iterates through the hash locations for a given element
     419             :      * and checks to see if it is present.
     420             :      *
     421             :      * contains does not check garbage collected state (in other words,
     422             :      * garbage is only collected when the space is needed), so:
     423             :      *
     424             :      * insert(x);
     425             :      * if (contains(x, true))
     426             :      *     return contains(x, false);
     427             :      * else
     428             :      *     return true;
     429             :      *
     430             :      * executed on a single thread will always return true!
     431             :      *
     432             :      * This is a great property for re-org performance for example.
     433             :      *
     434             :      * contains returns a bool set true if the element was found.
     435             :      *
     436             :      * @param e the element to check
     437             :      * @param erase
     438             :      *
     439             :      * @post if erase is true and the element is found, then the garbage collect
     440             :      * flag is set
     441             :      * @returns true if the element is found, false otherwise
     442             :      */
     443     2867988 :     inline bool contains(const Element& e, const bool erase) const
     444             :     {
     445     2867988 :         std::array<uint32_t, 8> locs = compute_hashes(e);
     446     9255246 :         for (uint32_t loc : locs)
     447     8627415 :             if (table[loc] == e) {
     448     2240157 :                 if (erase)
     449     2240157 :                     allow_erase(loc);
     450     2240157 :                 return true;
     451             :             }
     452             :         return false;
     453             :     }
     454             : };
     455             : } // namespace CuckooCache
     456             : 
     457             : #endif // PIVX_CUCKOOCACHE_H

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14