Line data Source code
1 : // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto 2 : // Copyright (c) 2009-2015 The Bitcoin developers 3 : // Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The Dash developers 4 : // Copyright (c) 2015-2022 The PIVX Core developers 5 : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying 6 : // file COPYING or 7 : 8 : #ifndef PIVX_CHAINPARAMS_H 9 : #define PIVX_CHAINPARAMS_H 10 : 11 : #include "chainparamsbase.h" 12 : #include "consensus/params.h" 13 : #include "primitives/block.h" 14 : #include "protocol.h" 15 : #include "uint256.h" 16 : 17 : #include <memory> 18 : #include <vector> 19 : 20 6696 : struct CDNSSeedData { 21 : std::string host; 22 : bool supportsServiceBitsFiltering; 23 1700 : explicit CDNSSeedData(const std::string& strHost, bool supportsServiceBitsFilteringIn = false) : host(strHost), supportsServiceBitsFiltering(supportsServiceBitsFilteringIn) {} 24 : }; 25 : 26 : typedef std::map<int, uint256> MapCheckpoints; 27 : 28 : struct CCheckpointData { 29 : const MapCheckpoints* mapCheckpoints; 30 : int64_t nTimeLastCheckpoint; 31 : int64_t nTransactionsLastCheckpoint; 32 : double fTransactionsPerDay; 33 : }; 34 : 35 : /** 36 : * CChainParams defines various tweakable parameters of a given instance of the 37 : * PIVX system. There are three: the main network on which people trade goods 38 : * and services, the public test network which gets reset from time to time and 39 : * a regression test mode which is intended for private networks only. It has 40 : * minimal difficulty to ensure that blocks can be found instantly. 41 : */ 42 : class CChainParams 43 : { 44 : public: 45 18890 : virtual ~CChainParams() {} 46 : enum Base58Type { 47 : PUBKEY_ADDRESS, 48 : SCRIPT_ADDRESS, 49 : SECRET_KEY, // BIP16 50 : EXT_PUBLIC_KEY, // BIP32 51 : EXT_SECRET_KEY, // BIP32 52 : EXT_COIN_TYPE, // BIP44 53 : STAKING_ADDRESS, 54 : EXCHANGE_ADDRESS, 55 : 56 : MAX_BASE58_TYPES 57 : }; 58 : 59 : enum Bech32Type { 60 : SAPLING_PAYMENT_ADDRESS, 61 : SAPLING_FULL_VIEWING_KEY, 62 : SAPLING_INCOMING_VIEWING_KEY, 63 : SAPLING_EXTENDED_SPEND_KEY, 64 : SAPLING_EXTENDED_FVK, 65 : 66 : BLS_SECRET_KEY, 67 : BLS_PUBLIC_KEY, 68 : 69 : MAX_BECH32_TYPES 70 : }; 71 : 72 14270725 : const Consensus::Params& GetConsensus() const { return consensus; } 73 1553496 : const CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars& MessageStart() const { return pchMessageStart; } 74 3426 : int GetDefaultPort() const { return nDefaultPort; } 75 : 76 800 : const CBlock& GenesisBlock() const { return genesis; } 77 : /** Policy: Filter transactions that do not match well-defined patterns */ 78 386 : bool RequireStandard() const { return fRequireStandard; } 79 : /** How long to wait until we allow retrying of a LLMQ connection */ 80 2113 : int LLMQConnectionRetryTimeout() const { return nLLMQConnectionRetryTimeout; } 81 : /** If this chain is exclusively used for testing */ 82 475 : bool IsTestChain() const { return IsTestnet() || IsRegTestNet(); } 83 : /** Make miner wait to have peers to avoid wasting work */ 84 0 : bool MiningRequiresPeers() const { return !IsRegTestNet(); } 85 : /** Headers first syncing is disabled */ 86 : bool HeadersFirstSyncingActive() const { return false; }; 87 : /** Default value for -checkmempool and -checkblockindex argument */ 88 772 : bool DefaultConsistencyChecks() const { return IsRegTestNet(); } 89 : 90 : /** Return the network string */ 91 2725627 : std::string NetworkIDString() const { return strNetworkID; } 92 355 : const std::vector<CDNSSeedData>& DNSSeeds() const { return vSeeds; } 93 2002160 : const std::vector<unsigned char>& Base58Prefix(Base58Type type) const { return base58Prefixes[type]; } 94 32090 : const std::string& Bech32HRP(Bech32Type type) const { return bech32HRPs[type]; } 95 121 : const std::vector<uint8_t>& FixedSeeds() const { return vFixedSeeds; } 96 : virtual const CCheckpointData& Checkpoints() const = 0; 97 : 98 1754038 : bool IsRegTestNet() const { return NetworkIDString() == CBaseChainParams::REGTEST; } 99 288933 : bool IsTestnet() const { return NetworkIDString() == CBaseChainParams::TESTNET; } 100 : 101 : /** Tier two requests blockage mark expiration time */ 102 1485 : int FulfilledRequestExpireTime() const { return nFulfilledRequestExpireTime; } 103 : 104 : void UpdateNetworkUpgradeParameters(Consensus::UpgradeIndex idx, int nActivationHeight); 105 : protected: 106 16272 : CChainParams() {} 107 : 108 : std::string strNetworkID; 109 : CBlock genesis; 110 : Consensus::Params consensus; 111 : CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars pchMessageStart; 112 : int nDefaultPort; 113 : std::vector<CDNSSeedData> vSeeds; 114 : std::vector<unsigned char> base58Prefixes[MAX_BASE58_TYPES]; 115 : std::string bech32HRPs[MAX_BECH32_TYPES]; 116 : std::vector<uint8_t> vFixedSeeds; 117 : bool fRequireStandard; 118 : 119 : // Tier two 120 : int nLLMQConnectionRetryTimeout; 121 : int nFulfilledRequestExpireTime; 122 : }; 123 : 124 : /** 125 : * Creates and returns a std::unique_ptr<CChainParams> of the chosen chain. 126 : * @returns a CChainParams* of the chosen chain. 127 : * @throws a std::runtime_error if the chain is not supported. 128 : */ 129 : std::unique_ptr<CChainParams> CreateChainParams(const std::string& chain); 130 : 131 : /** 132 : * Return the currently selected parameters. This won't change after app 133 : * startup, except for unit tests. 134 : */ 135 : const CChainParams& Params(); 136 : 137 : /** 138 : * Sets the params returned by Params() to those for the given chain name. 139 : * @throws std::runtime_error when the chain is not supported. 140 : */ 141 : void SelectParams(const std::string& chain); 142 : 143 : /** 144 : * Allows modifying the network upgrade regtest parameters. 145 : */ 146 : void UpdateNetworkUpgradeParameters(Consensus::UpgradeIndex idx, int nActivationHeight); 147 : 148 : #endif // PIVX_CHAINPARAMS_H